
Bangalore Watch Company's Journey Into Modern Indian Expression

In the heart of India's Silicon Valley, amidst the buzz of technological innovation, Bangalore Watch Company stands as a testament to the convergence of tradition and modernity.

Bangalore Watch Company

As we delves into the realm of horological craftsmanship, we discover that Bangalore Watch Company isn't just about telling time – it's about telling stories. Through their innovative approach, Bangalore Watch Company seamlessly weaves together modern Indian themes with timeless design, creating timepieces that resonate with the spirit of contemporary India. Come as we take you on a journey through the intricate details and cultural nuances embedded in each watch, as we explore how Nirupesh Joshi and Mercy Amalraj, the founders of Bangalore Watch Company are redefining the narrative of Indian watchmaking.

  1. What sets Bangalore Watch Company apart from other luxury watch brands? Elaborate on your design philosophy.

First, we don’t need a wristwatch to tell the time. Time-telling is now a vestigial function that every electronic device can do. We all wear a wristwatch today only because we have an emotional connection with it. Your first watch purchased with your first paycheque, your watch presented to you on your anniversary, your dad’s watch – they all mean so much more to us than mere time-telling devices.

The Swiss have been making quality wristwatches for decades, but they also weave wonderful stories for watches. These stories make them special – a watch that went to the moon, or one that has a 200-year-old backstory.

Unfortunately, the grammar of Indian watch design is outdated. They’re still about elephants, gods, and oriental motifs. We believe that the grammar of Indian watch design should be about modern, 21st-century stories from India. And that is what we set out to do.

Our watches are inspired by the Indian space program, Indian aviation, or the spirit of Cricket. These stories are more personal, relatable, and make for conversation starters. All our customers value our ability to take these stories, and craft incredible watch designs. That is what sets us apart!

  1. What has been your inspiration behind the creation of the Bangalore Watch Company. Pls comment on the vision for redefining luxury wristwatches in India.

For us, everything starts with a story. We wanted to convey the story of modern India, fields in which India has made great strides. We looked for deep and meaningful stories that inspire us and ones that could potentially inspire others.

We then spend months in design figuring out how to translate the elements of the story into design features of the watch. For example, all the MACH 1 watches have a crown that is shaped like an afterburner nozzle of a fi. All our Apogee watches have the Sriharikota spaceport’s lat-long location on the dial. These design elements in the watches make us very proud.

Next is the quality – while we have huge respect for brands that have been built for decades in India, the quality of watches that originate from India leave a lot to be desired. They can’t usually be compared with the Swiss in terms of components used, fit-finish, or the attention to detail. Our vision is to create watches in India that can proudly be compared to the Swiss watches in the same price segments. This is something we are very proud of.

Nirupesh Joshi and Mercy Amalraj
  1. What are the key financial considerations and challenges in expanding BWC market reach? Especially if you are aiming at different geographies (beyond India). How do you plan to penetrate regions particularly where luxury watch brands are well-established?

Today, we make about 1000 watches annually. 25% of our customers are overseas, while the rest are in India. Since 2018, we have shipped our watches to more than 30 countries. We have had very positive response to the themes and designs over the past few years. Notably, the aviation and space collections are highly regarded worldwide both in the watch circles and otherwise.

As far as creating an appeal amongst the regions particularly where luxury watch brands are well-established, two distinct factors are the catalyst we feel a) the unique themes of the modern India 21st century narrative b) great and consistent customer service. If these two are addressed, the right customer will not hesitate to spend on a premium watch or collection.

Building a global supply chain, establishing partnerships with skilled workers, and ensuring quality control are tasks that demand a hands-on approach. Personally, for us, the shift from a technology-consulting background to the luxury industry required a mindset adjustment and a commitment to learning the ropes of a different trade.

However, I see them as opportunities to grow, unlearn, and reinvent yourself. Thanks to our customers worldwide, the journey has been both personally and professionally gratifying.

  1. Could you discuss the role of strategic collaborations in building the brand and driving financial growth for the company?

Strategic collaborations are a key factor in building the brand and driving financial growth for the company. We have taken steady but cautious steps toward this. By the end of this year, we have two big announcements coming which would truly catapult the brand.

  1. How does BWC approach sales and pricing strategies for its watches?

At the moment, we sell our watches through our brand website to our customers worldwide. For the next 2-3 years we will focus on expanding our retail touchpoints in our primary markets in India. BWC will not engage in a widespread international market expansion strategy. We will focus on partnerships with specialized watch retailers and communities in select markets.





