United States

5 Shocking Controversies Surrounding Vice Presidential Nominee Tim Walz You Need To Know

Vice Presidential nominee Tim Walz is facing scrutiny over five major controversies. These include a 1995 DUI arrest, criticism over his handling of the 2020 Minneapolis riots, strict COVID-19 restrictions, a significant pandemic relief fraud scandal, and alleged interference in a police shooting case.

Tim Walz, Vice President Kamala Harris
Tim Walz Photo: AP

Vice President Kamala Harris has selected Tim Walz, the governor of Minnesota, to be her running mate in the 2024 presidential election. The choice comes after a rigorous two-week vetting process. At 60, Walz brings a wealth of experience, including roles as an Army veteran, former football coach, teacher, and seasoned politician.

Political Background and Achievements

Tim Walz’s political career began in 2007 when he was elected to the U.S. Congress, where he served until 2019. In 2018, he was elected governor of Minnesota, defeating Republican Jeff Johnson, and he was re-elected in 2022 after fending off a challenge from Republican Scott Jensen.

Walz is praised by progressives for his strong support of unions and significant achievements as governor. These include:

  • Codifying abortion rights into Minnesota’s state constitution.

  • Implementing universal free school breakfasts and lunches for all students.

  • Establishing Minnesota as a sanctuary for children seeking transgender medical procedures.

His progressive track record and direct communication style are seen as assets that could enhance the Democratic ticket’s appeal in Midwestern battleground states.

However, Walz’s selection is not without its controversies. Several issues from his past and tenure as governor have surfaced, which Republicans are likely to use in their critiques.

1. 1995 DUI Arrest

In September 1995, Tim Walz, then a high school teacher in Chadron, Nebraska, was arrested for driving under the influence of alcohol. According to reports, Walz was pulled over for speeding—driving 96 mph in a 55-mph zone. The arresting state trooper noted a strong odor of alcohol on Walz and observed that he failed both a field sobriety test and a preliminary breath test. Walz was taken to a local hospital for a blood test before being booked into the Dawes County Jail.

During his 2006 campaign for Congress, Walz and his team attempted to downplay the incident, attributing it to a “misunderstanding” related to his hearing impairment, which they claimed had since been surgically corrected. However, the official records contradict this explanation, showing that Walz was charged with DUI and speeding. Walz ultimately pled guilty to reckless driving, a lesser charge, which has led to ongoing questions about his handling of the situation and the accuracy of his past statements.

2. Handling of Minneapolis Riots

In May 2020, following the killing of George Floyd by a Minneapolis police officer, protests erupted in Minneapolis that quickly turned violent. The riots resulted in significant damage, including the destruction of a police station and widespread vandalism of businesses. Walz faced sharp criticism for his handling of the situation.

Critics, including Minnesota GOP Chairman David Hann and state Senate Majority Leader Paul Gazelka, argue that Walz was too slow to act. While Walz did eventually deploy the National Guard to restore order, some believe his response was delayed, which they argue allowed the violence to escalate. The criticism centers around the perception that Walz was hesitant to take decisive action due to concerns about alienating his progressive base, who were seen as supportive of the protests. This delay in response has been cited as a factor in the extensive damage to businesses and properties in downtown Minneapolis.

3. COVID-19 Restrictions

During the COVID-19 pandemic, Walz implemented strict measures to curb the spread of the virus, including statewide lockdowns and mask mandates. His administration established a hotline for residents to report violations of these mandates, which drew criticism for being overly intrusive. Despite legal challenges, including a failed lawsuit against his indoor mask mandate, Walz's restrictions were upheld by the courts.

Republican critics, such as state Senator Paul Gazelka, argued that these measures were excessive and that the hotline was an unnecessary infringement on personal freedoms. The stringent lockdowns and mask mandates, while aimed at protecting public health, were controversial and sparked debates about their impact on individual liberties and the economy.

4. Pandemic Relief Fraud Investigation

The Feeding Our Future scandal, one of the largest pandemic aid fraud cases in the country, has also been a point of contention for Walz. The scandal involved the misappropriation of federal funds intended for feeding children during the pandemic. Federal prosecutors charged 70 people in connection with the fraud, which siphoned off millions of dollars intended to support vulnerable populations.

A scathing report by the Office of the Legislative Auditor in June highlighted failures in oversight by Walz’s Department of Education. The report criticized the department for not acting on warning signs and for lacking effective oversight mechanisms. Critics argue that these failures contributed to the extensive fraud and misuse of taxpayer dollars.

5. Interference in Police Shooting Case

Earlier this year, Walz faced criticism for his involvement in a police shooting case involving Minnesota State Trooper Ryan Londregan. Hennepin County Attorney Mary Moriarty dropped the case, citing concerns about Walz’s comments and actions related to the investigation. Moriarty accused Walz of inappropriately intervening in the case and creating conflicts of interest, as he oversees the Minnesota State Patrol.

Walz’s comments on the case were seen as potentially influencing the investigation and the decision to drop the charges. In response, Walz stated that he would have used his executive authority to remove Moriarty from the case had the charges not been dropped. The situation has raised questions about the role of elected officials in judicial matters and the potential for political interference in legal proceedings.

These controversies reflect a range of challenges and criticisms that Walz faces as he joins Kamala Harris on the 2024 Democratic ticket.





