United States

Elon Musk speaks in support of Russell Brand

Russell Brand has received emails from two mainstream media companies notifying him of serious allegations. Brand was quick to respond over the allegations and explained in a YouTube post that the charges were wrong and he has been wrongly accused

Still from Russell Brand’s video uploaded on X

Comedian and actor Russell Brand has recently received two ‘extremely disturbing’ letters from two mainstream media houses. He says that he has been accused of some “very egregious and aggressive attacks.”

In a recent Youtube video post, Brand talks about two mainstream media companies and a TV company that have made “serious allegations” on him. The comedian is known for his critics and theory videos on Youtube and other social media platforms. But this time he said he won't be talking about any other news because this time he is the “news.”

Brand tells how the allegations made are stupid and irrelevant. He says that the allegations made on him are "a litany of extremely egregious and aggressive attacks". The comedian mentions in a 3 minute video that he has been warned by his viewers and fans many times about getting “too close” to the truth and to watch out for himself. 

Brand talks about how these “serious allegations” can affect his life. He also mentions that all his relationships are consensual. He said that he has always been very transparent and he refutes all the allegations made. 

The comedian cum actor also mentions how the companies that made the allegations on him have asked him to stop attacking mainstream media on his page and that his community festival should be stopped. 

Many people stand in support of Brand including Tesla CEO , Elon Musk. After Russell Brand posted his video, Elon Musk was very quick to respond to it and commented under his video, “ Of course. They don’t like competition.” 

Russell Brand showed serious concern in his video and concluded it by saying, “Now, I don’t wanna get into this any further because of the serious nature of the allegations, but I feel like I’m being attacked and plainly they’re working very closely together. We are obviously going to look into this matter ‘cause it’s very, very serious. In the meantime, I want you to stay close, stay awake, but more important than any of that, if you can, please stay free.”
