Outlook Spotlight

Raising The Happiness Quotient

The Rekhi Foundation’s latest MoU with Kurukshetra University aims at fostering happiness and holistic well-being among the student community.

The Rekhi Foundation has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the Kurukshetra University

The Rekhi Foundation has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the Kurukshetra University (KU) to establish a 'Centre of Excellence for the Science of Happiness' at the Kurukshetra University. The Centre of Excellence for the Science of Happiness will focus on fostering happiness and holistic well-being among students and the community.

This significant collaboration towards fostering happiness and well-being taken by the Rekhi Foundation in continuation of its work with 24 other universities in and outside India.

Formed with the vision to reach Happiness for all, the Rekhi foundation has set itself the mission to create Centers of Excellence in academia across globe to disseminate knowledge through science and practice of happiness.

Dr Satinder Singh Rekhi, Honorary Chairman of Rekhi foundation said that with this strategic partnership between KU and the Rekhi Foundation, Haryana sets out on a promising path towards prioritizing the overall well-being of its citizens, with education playing a pivotal role in this transformative journey.

Vice Chancellor Prof Som Nath Sachdeva said on the occasion that the collaboration between KU and the Rekhi Foundation seeks to create a pioneering hub that will pioneer research, education, and practices centered around happiness, mental health, mindfulness, and holistic development. 

It aims to equip students, faculty, and the wider community with the tools and knowledge needed to lead happier, more fulfilling lives. Notably, this initiative is envisioned to set up centres of happiness in other universities and colleges in Haryana.

The successful establishment and functioning of the 'Centre of Excellence for the Science of Happiness ' at the Kurukshetra University will pave the way for its replication and expansion across various educational institutions in the state. 

The 'Rekhi Center of Excellence for the Science of Happiness' was started in September 2016 at one of India's premier engineering institutes - IIT Kharagpur and is the brainchild of Dr.Rekhi. The goal is to expand the practice and knowledge of “Happiness Science and Positive Psychology” from students to the people they meet in their professional and personal lives, thus growing exponentially in its reach while improving the lives of people at large.

Scientific Understanding of Happiness

The Rekhi Centres of Excellence for the Science of Happiness aim to promote research, training, education and the practice of well-being for students and teachers through the principles of happiness and well-being techniques. Our research is based on the concept of improving the quality of people’s lives by focusing on knowledge that enhances positive emotions and positive relationships.

The Rekhi Foundation for Happiness has currently signed MoUs with multiple institutions that are running successfully toward students flourishing through dissemination of knowledge pertaining to well-being practices and holistic self-development. These institutions include the California State University, Sacramento; Delhi Technological University, Delhi; Netaji Subhash University of Technology, Delhi; the IIMs at Lucknow and Ranchi; the SP Jain School of Global Management, Lahore; and the University of Lahore, among many others.

Each centre has a team of faculty members who work with students in the areas of happiness and well-being. Currently, courses on individual happiness, as well as, organizational happiness are being offered with, student projects, training programs and research.

Dr Satinder Singh Rekhi, Honorary Chairman of Rekhi foundation says that happiness is an affective, cognitive, and psychological state of well-being. “It is about finding meaning and purpose in life,” he says. “It is the joy experienced in sharing rather than receiving – in the workplace, this happiness is reflected in the employees work output by being more productive, creative, enjoying one’s work, and being there for others.”

“We have often pursued the art of happiness in our understanding and practice of staying happy. Developing a scientific understanding of happiness will help individuals be more optimistic and appreciative about themselves and others,” says Dr Satinder Singh Rekhi.

India is currently positioned at 126th place out of 146 countries with Happiness score of 4.036, according to the World Happiness Report, classifying it as one of the world's least joyful nations. India's rank in the happiness index is lower than its neighbouring countries like Nepal, Bangladesh, and China.

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