
Best Profession Suitable To Your Birth Date

Many say select a profession by your Zodiac sign, or see the strength of a single planet in your kundli or decide best profession based on a particular house. None play the final role in isolation, but to decide the right profession suitable to your birth date, many combinations are seen to select the right profession for you.

Astrologer Vinay Bajrangi

Choosing the right profession is undoubtedly one of the most critical decisions we make in our lifetime. It is a choice that can shape our destinies, influence our happiness, and pave the way for our success. Deciding the best profession depends on your interests, skills, place of settlement, and what the stars indicate for you. None of the factors alone can be the only criterion to decide the best profession.

While various factors come into play when making this monumental decision, one aspect that often remains overlooked is the impact of our birthdate and horoscope. Astrology can unveil profound insights into our personality traits, strengths, and weaknesses. Delving into specific facets of our horoscope, such as the 10th house and the Dashmansha Chart, astrology can guide our quest to decide best profession suitable to our birth date that propels us toward long-term success.

Many say select a profession by your Zodiac sign, or see the strength of a single planet in your kundli or decide best profession based on a particular house. None play the final role in isolation, but to decide the right profession suitable to your birth date, many combinations are seen to select the right profession for you. This article is in two parts:

  1. The universally known suggestions for selecting the best profession for your birth chart. If you are sick of reading such articles, forget the technical astrological points and read some practical narration below.

  2. Some practical examples showing what combinations are seen for best career advice.

Combinations Seen for Best Career

Many combinations are seen for the best career, not only one House or planet. As celestial navigators, we must blend the guidance of the cosmic map with our inner compass. The interplay of personal interest, aptitude, and the prevailing market tides should underpin this journey toward the profession. In a nutshell, the steps in astrology and combinations seen for the best career can be tabulated below:

  1. The first step is to evaluate Jupiter's strength to assess the person's wisdom and intellect. 

  2. Then, examine the power of Mercury to assess the capability to express knowledge. 

  3. Next, to read is the strength of the 2nd House to measure elementary education and speech. 

  4. Next, the strength of the 5th House is examined.

  5. Then, study the D-7 and D-9 chart in tandem with the D-1 chart.

  6. Examine the 10th House and its lord.

  7. Planets sitting in the 10th House and the planets aspecting it. 

  8. Rules of Jamini Sutram and Chandra Kala Nadi are also applied to know about a person's best career/profession. 

So, it is not one House, one planet, or one combination that determines the best career suitable for your birth date, but many combinations are seen for career decisions in astrology.

Houses Seen for Best Profession Selection

In In astrology career predictions, the 10th House plays the main role as it is the House of work and profession. Also, the 2nd House (family and money resources) and the 6th House (job and mode of work) are observed to predict career as per astrology.

Apart from these, the 11th House and 7th House are also observed for business people and self-employment persons.

The 10th House is the House of the career and is known as Karma Bhava, Karma-sthaan and Pitru-sthaan. This is an important house and indicates profession, source of livelihood, income through the job, foreign travel, financial status, property, status in life, pleasures, honour, wealth and all aspects of life.

The 10th House of the horoscope emerges as a powerful indicator in deciphering the appropriate career trajectory for an individual. But the 10th House is not the only thing; many combinations are seen for the best career selection. Amidst the intricate tapestry of astrological houses, the 10th House, along with the 2nd and 6th houses emerge as a beacon in the realm of career astrology. This 10th House, often called the House of career, ascends as a significant arena embodying leadership, achievement, and status. By scrutinising the arrangement of planets within this House and the interplay of these celestial bodies with other elements based on your birth date, astrology can suggest the best profession for a person.

As the Sun rises and sets on our birth chart canvas; it casts a spotlight on the 10th House, illuminating potential pathways. Jupiter, a celestial giant associated with wisdom and expansion, gracing this arena may foreshadow success in fields encompassing education, law, or publishing.

However, while the 10th House offers a celestial roadmap, it has to be read in tandem with the Dashamsha Chart, the specific chart for professional pursuits. Personal preferences, skills, and passions weave their threads into the cosmic tapestry, read through Shashtiamsa (D-60 Chart), constructing a more holistic portrayal of our vocational journey.

The Dashamsha Chart, often called the D10 chart, emerges as a pivotal tool within the astrological arsenal, casting a more nuanced light upon the labyrinth of career potential. As the D10 chart meticulously traces the 10th House, the citadel of one's profession and career, astrologers glean insights by examining the ascendant and its lord. The ascendant, akin to the chisel that shapes the sculpture, mirrors the individual's personality and latent promise. The interplay between the D10 ascendant and its lord weaves a narrative of potential triumph in the chosen vocation. Yet, the moon's passage through the 10th House further enriches this narrative, spotlighting potential avenues for pursuit.

Planets Seen for Best Career Selection

The planets seen for career selection are Jupiter, Mercury, and Saturn. The Sun also plays a vital role as the planet Sun determines success and fame.

Planet Saturn gives the results according to the amount of hard work, and Jupiter grants the amount of wealth to a person through profession and career. Mercury indicates your power to express yourself. So, mainly these planets are seen to find the best career. For an overview which planet is seen for career selection, read the universal facts about which planet in the 10 house indicates what career. But again, it is not only one planet that decides your career but a variety of combinations are seen.

Sun in the 10th House: The Sun in the 10th House gives immense fame and a powerful profile,  authority, position, and status in the career including the highest positions like IAS and IPS.

Moon in the 10th House: The Moon in the 10th House is responsible for travel (work-related), a career in the glamour and fashion industry, medical, and sales and marketing.

Mars in the 10th House: Mars in the 10th House is suitable for a career in the police, engineering, army, and administrative services related to defence.

Mercury in 10th House: Indicates career in teaching, journalism, law, Chartered Accountant, or becoming self-employed.

Jupiter in 10th House: Jupiter can help you get honest & noble professions like judges and academics.

Venus 10th House: Indicates a promising career in acting, film industry, modelling, painting, fashion design, and beauty-related professions.

Saturn in the 10th House: Saturn in the 10th House is not a good thing. But still, a good Saturn indicates careers like iron ore, steel & iron industry, management, law and waste management.

Each planet signifies many careers, and each career has multiple branches and sub-branches. Therefore, choosing a career is not done using only one planet, but using a combination of different planets to find the best profession/career path.

Best Profession According to Zodiac Sign

Many strive to go for a profession by Zodiac sign. Your Zodiac sign gets defined when you are just born, based on your past life(s). But how can you be sure that you will have the same facilities, financials, and surroundings in your present life and choose the best profession according to your zodiac sign?

Within the constellation of beliefs, there exists a diverse constellation of opinions. Some herald the notion that zodiac signs are cosmic markers, offering a compass toward careers aligned with personality traits and dispositions. A particular sign in which you are born can give you a personality, aspiration and many other traits of that particular sign to find best profession according to your Zodiac sign. But what about the place you are born, your social and surrounding canvas: do these factors support a career for you as your sign. A particular sign indicate good profession for you but the Zodiac sign alone cannot be the guiding force to find the best career/profession for you.

Some Practical Aspects: For Career in Govt Job

It is not possible to talk about all the career but let me pick a few examples about career in the Govt job.   

Example1; Some say a strong Sun gives the Govt job, but what if it is in Axis with Rahu/Ketu to overpower all positivity of the Sun?  It gives a Kaal sarp Dosha, one of the fiercest blemishes a horoscope can have, but if you know, the remedy is worth just Rs 800/1000. But how do you know this, and who will tell you?

Example2: In the same way, the Sun may be strong to indicate a govt job but what about the balance between Jupiter (the planet to grasp/learn) and Mercury (the power to express when it is required). And what about the transit of Saturn?

Example 3: Most relevant example.

Person born 31.071996, Time 9.00 pm, Mathura, UP, India. Tried many times but no success.

In D-1, Sun is in the 4th house aspecting the 10th house, which is good.

Mercury and Jupiter are well placed in D-1, so further good.

In D-10 Sun exalted, very good.

In D-10, Mercury and Jupiter are okay but not as good as these were in D-1.

Then why there is no success while most of the above combinations seen for career are good?  It is because Moon, the Lord of the 10th House, is Shadashka not good. .Saturn, the Yog karaka planet, is working as an obstructer, which means hampering his efforts that are required for a job. Who will guide him on what to do? A good astrologer should tell him to remove obstructions posed by Saturn, take some mock tests, and improve his capabilities to grab the job. Mind you, this is the reading till D-10, whereas I am talking about reading D-60.

One can read many such things on best profession selection using birth chart.

Another important aspect to check is the location at which a person will be successful in a profession; not all countries have the same potential for a profession. A person should settle in their own country or settle abroad. A Venus-related profession may be more successful in advanced countries than in poor or underdeveloped countries. But  does it mean that the persons born in the latter countries do not have Venus in their 10 houses or these countries do not have people with Taurus and Libra as their sign?

So, forget what planets/ houses/combinations are seen for the best career in isolation?

Most important is to decide whether you should do a job or business.

Read more on job or business as per birth chart.

Identify your skills and surroundings, check planets, different houses and all practical aspects before finding the best profession suitable to you.  And to know all this, you need someone who is an astrologer by design and by default. A person with exposure to a limited class of people, geographical conditions or global career potential cannot give you the right advice here. The conventional astrological methods and experience will not work here. No apps or calculators can give you such micro-reading/analysis. So, judge the astrologer before depending on any novice.

For any specific query, connect with my office on +91 9278555588/9278666688.

Disclaimer: The above is a contributor post, the views expressed are those of the contributor and do not represent the stand and views of Outlook Editorial.
