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Department of Physiology, Development and Neuroscience


Thank you for your interest in bequeathing your body for anatomical examination after death. The generous action of our donors is greatly appreciated and each bequest is directed to the best advantage of medical education, teaching and research. Anatomical examination is an essential part of the training that Doctors and other Health Care Professionals receive, therefore the decision of an individual to donate his or her body for this purpose is a vital contribution to this.

  • Should you wish to donate your body to the Human Anatomy Centre or obtain further information, please contact the bequeathal secretary at 01223 333776. This line is normally open Monday to Friday 9.30am – 4.30pm.  She can also assist with further queries and can provide consent forms and information in a variety of formats.
  • If your query concerns the death of a donor, please call the bequeathal secretary directly on the telephone number above and she will guide you through this process. Outside our office hours, including Bank Holidays, a telephone answering machine is in operation which gives clear instructions of the action to be taken in the event of a bequeathal. Please leave a message and you will be contacted at the first available opportunity.

You can find further information on the FAQ page. You can also send an email at

Individuals wishing to donate their body who haven't returned a consent form to the Department before 1st September 2006 should note that consent now requires a witnessed signature.
