Google's Nexus One stock expected to last 10 days

Google's Nexus One stock expected to last 10 days
We recently reported that Google had received its last shipment of Nexus One handsets. The Mountain View based firm has said that after this stock is all sold, the company will no longer offer the device. Google told the L.A. Times that it expects the current level of inventory to last 10 days. Google's goal was to change the way that people buy cellphones by having the customer purchase the phone and then decide which carrier to use. This backfired a little because many cellphone buyers like to touch a phone and test it out before they buy it, and by purchasing the Nexus One over Google's web site, buyers had to use their imagination as to how the device would feel in their hand.

Now that the experiment is over, will there be a Nexus-Two? Google's CEO, Eric Schmidt, says, "The idea a year and a half ago was to do the Nexus One to try to move the phone platform hardware business forward," he added, "It clearly did. It was so successful, we didn't have to do a second one." Most companies that have a successful product will continue to offer it, which makes you wonder just how successful the Nexus One was, after all. Nonetheless, if you want an N-One, you had better get going-you only have a few days left to buy one from Google. Overseas, the model will still be offered by Vodafone in Europe and by KT in Korea.

HTC Nexus One Specifications | Review

source: LATimes

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