Palm Pre 2 slips out to show off 1GHz chipset and webOS 2.0

Palm Pre 2 slips out to show off 1GHz chipset and webOS 2.0
Out of the blue the possible first device from Palm after HP acquired the once glorious, but embattled smartphone pioneer, slid through the cracks to appear on the website of the French carrier SFR. Called the Palm Pre 2, it doesn't break radically with the tradition, but instead enhances it where it had to.

The Palm Pre 2 will enter the world of modern smartphones with a 1GHz processor, possibly Texas Instrument's OMAP3630, coupled to 512MB of RAM, which has reduced the boot time, and will undoubtedly improve performance. The design is more streamlined than the previous Palm Pre phones, and the screen is listed as "flatter". There is a regular microUSB port, and the overall finish beams quality, compared to the pre-acquisition versions. Sporting not only hardware enhancements, but also a brand spanking new webOS 2.0, its major innovation is touted as push Facebook. We suppose that means real-time feed from the all-important social network, with all its status updates, wall postings, calendar sync, and chat. Not something a dedicated app would not do, but knowing Palm, they have probably nailed the "push" feature seamlessly in webOS 2.0.

All in all, it seems like a noble next addition to the Palm stable, without breaking completely with the root looks, while giving the already excellent webOS the hardware it deserves. Are you liking the direction Palm is taking with its new device?

via PreCentral

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