Twitter and eToro to join forces for improved stock and crypto trading

Twitter and eToro to join forces for improved stock and crypto trading
If you are among the people, who are interested and actively participating in the trading of stocks, crypto and even NFTs, then you know how important it is to have access to up-to-date and reliable information. Hence, Twitter is often a go-to choice.

But users also need a solid and reputable platform, where they can apply that knowledge in order to gain… well, literal gain. One of the most popular choices is eToro, which offers insight, the ability to trade and even the ability to copy someone else’s trading habits.

After all that info, in the specific phrasing, do you see how it makes sense for the two companies to join forces? This new collaboration opens the door to improved $Cashtags — think hashtags, but for financial stuff — the way the information is displayed and a nifty little button that would take users straight into eToro so that they can act as quickly as possible.

That being said, the general info, which cashtags use will still be provided by the same platform, namely — TradingView. The changes here are meant to improve the clarity of the information and the accessibility of action related to the latest market trends.

While this doesn’t mean that eToro is truly integrated into the Twitter platform, it does still improve the way the two apps interact with each other. For example, this would in theory increase monetary gains from campaigns such as referral bonuses, which are typically expressed through user-generated links and shared on social media.

Given how Twitter looks to be the ultimate place for such activities, there may be some gain for the company there as well. Especially when we take into consideration the change that cashtag related data is reportedly going to be more up-to-date than ever.

It feels refreshing to share a story about Twitter, which isn’t related to the now pedestrian drama surrounding Musk’s takeover of the company. That being said, this is an interesting direction for the platform and it will be interesting to see where the developers take it from here on out.
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