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The annual DICE conference kicks off this week in Las Vegas, attracting some of the best game developers in the world to a three-day gathering and discussion of the art of making games. Top speakers include Hideo Kojima, Randy Pitchford, Guillermo del Toro, Sid Meier and many more.We’re on hand to follow the talks, meet up with the developers and bring you the behind-the-scenes conversations that will shape the coming years in games.

And for the first time, we’re also hosting the entire show, streamed live, right from our StoryStream. The talks kick-off at 12:45 p.m. ET each day. Make sure to hang out to watch the talks and scroll down to read our stories and listen to our interviews.

If you’re interested in these sorts of talks, make sure to check out last year’s stories right here, which include interviews with Jade Raymond, the head of Twitch and Richard Garriott, among many others.
