
Number of Players
1 (Single Player)
Release Date

PlayStation 4

  • US 3rd Dec 2016, $9.99
  • EU 3rd Dec 2016, £7.99
Feature Support
Official Site


  • Review Lara Croft Go (PS4)

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    In an industry so focused on creating ever larger and more expansive experiences, there's something to be said about the power of focus. Lara Croft Go is a title that's not focused on wowing the player with a billion different features that create the illusion of depth, instead opting for a simplified, handcrafted feel that...

Screenshots 6

Lara Croft Go Screenshot
Lara Croft Go Screenshot
Lara Croft Go Screenshot
Lara Croft Go Screenshot
Lara Croft Go Screenshot
Lara Croft Go Screenshot

About The Game

Lara Croft GO is a turn based puzzle-adventure set in a long-forgotten world. Explore the ruins of an ancient civilization, discover well-kept secrets and face deadly challenges as you uncover the myth of the Queen of Venom.

Following the award-winning Hitman GO, Square Enix Montréal brings yet another beloved franchise to consoles with this unique take on the iconic heroine's adventures.
