
Release Date

PlayStation Store

  • US 31st May 2018
  • EU 31st May 2018
Also Available On


  • Review Milanoir (PS4)

    Killing with style

    The boss tasked Piero with taking out a rivaling syndicate’s Lieutenant who goes by “Africana.” He’s told she frequents a brothel in a shadier sector of Milan, and he needs to go make sure she never makes it home. This is a normal Thursday night for him; Piero is used to dirty jobs, after all. If the pay is right, he'll...

Screenshots 7

Milanoir Screenshot
Milanoir Screenshot
Milanoir Screenshot
Milanoir Screenshot
Milanoir Screenshot
Milanoir Screenshot
Milanoir Screenshot

About The Game

Inspired by the Italian crime flicks of the '70s revered by Quentin Tarantino, Milanoir is a pixel-packed action game set in the violent city of Milan. Come meet Piero, a convict suddenly released from prison looking for revenge over the man who framed him. Hunt for the truth and escape the ones who are chasing you through an unforgiving city. Someone wants you dead: you have to use all your toughness to survive. Shoot, choke, sneak your way through the enemies and engage them in breathtaking car chases.
