QuickScan - Privacy policy & Terms of Use


Personal Information is data which relate to a specific identifiable person.
Nonpersonal Information is data which does not relate to a specific person.

QuickScan app & Privacy

QuickScan respects your privacy: no personal data is collected in QuickScan app.

  • The scan process happens on your device and the scanned content stays on your device, until - obviously - the user decides to share it (for example: by saving the document to a cloud drive or by sending it by E-mail).
  • OCR (text recognition) happens on your device, no server is used
  • QuickScan is GDPR compliant
  • Your documents and signatures are safe within QuickScan
  • QuickScan does not shows ads, and is very privacy-focused

Cloud upload (Dropbox, OneDrive, Google Drive,...)

Should the user configure access to a Cloud file provider for automatic upload, then QuickScan would require access in order to be able:

  • to present the list of folders for the user to choose the destination path for automatic upload
  • to write the files in the selected folder
Nothing else is used and no data is collected.

Google Drive specifics

QuickScan complies with the Google API Services User Data Policy: QuickScan only uses what is stricly necessary to provide the Export Favorite feature. In other words, access to Google Drive is necessary should the user need to configure his Google Drive as Export Favorite in QuickScan. The use of data is stricly limited to providing this feature.

  • Drive Read access: for the user to browse through the folders and to pick one as favorite save location
  • Drive Write access: for the app to save (upload) files to the user-configured favorite save location
  • User data: Nothing is used/stored by the app, strictly respecting user's privacy
The only thing the app will store, is the path to the save location within the user Google Drive. Otherwise, absolutely no data is stored nor collected.

QuickScan - Terms of Use

Last Updated: 23 January 2024

1. Acceptance of Terms

By downloading and using QuickScan ("App"), you agree to be bound by these Terms of Use ("Terms"). If you do not agree with these Terms, do not use the App.

2. Privacy Policy

Your use of the App is also governed by our Privacy Policy, which outlines our data protection practices. Please review the Privacy Policy for more information.

3. Licencing

QuickScan is free (and ads-free) for personal use.

Any use of QuickScan for professional use requires either:

VIP donators (= users that helped supporting the QuickScan project) are offered access to non-essential features, as a reward. Should the user replace or erase the device on which he uses QuickScan, the access can be restored directly from within the app.

The periodic donations renew automatically unless cancelled in user's Apple (iCloud) account at least 24 hours before the end of the current period. The periodic donation cannot be cancelled for the current period once activated. The auto-renewal can be turned off at anytime in user's iTunes account, without removing user's access to the premium version until the end of the on-going period. Should the user replace or erase the device on which he uses QuickScan, the periodic donation can be restored if still within the subscription valid timeframe.

4. Prohibited Uses

You agree not to use the App for any unlawful purpose or in any way that could damage, disable, overburden, or impair the App. You agree not to attempt to gain unauthorized access to any parts of the App or to any other user's account.

5. Intellectual Property Rights

All rights, title, and interest in and to the App, including its content, features, and functionality, are and will remain the exclusive property of QuickScan and its licensors.

6. Disclaimers and Limitations of Liability

The App is provided on an "AS IS" and "AS AVAILABLE" basis. QuickScan does not guarantee that the App will function uninterrupted or be error-free. QuickScan will not be liable for any indirect, incidental, special, consequential, or punitive damages arising out of your use or inability to use the App.

7. Changes to Terms of Use

QuickScan reserves the right to modify these Terms at any time. We will notify you of any changes by updating the "Last Updated" date of these Terms.

8. Termination

QuickScan may terminate or suspend your access to the App immediately, without prior notice or liability, for any reason, including a breach of these Terms.

9. Governing Law

These Terms will be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the EU, without regard to its conflict of law provisions.
