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Race Equality at Cambridge

The University Diversity Fund (UDF) is held yearly and provides grants of up to £1500 and is open to applications from students and University staff. The UDF is supported by the Alexander Crummell Fund.

The UDF supports initiatives across the University that aim to challenge discrimination and inequalities, increase the representation of under-represented groups, raise awareness of issues related to equality, diversity and inclusion, and facilitate implementation of good practice at the University.

View the 2022 UDF Successful Projects here


Application process

University Diversity Fund Information Pack 

University Diversity Fund Application Form 

If you have any questions, feel free to contact the Equality, Diversity & Inclusion Section at


Information for successful applicants and host institutions

Costs for the project should be charged to a departmental cost centre of your choice and the Source of Funds is LFHA.  Please use the appropriate CUFS transaction codes for the expenditure. You may need assistance from the Finance Division to set this up for you – the contact is For general financial guidance, please contact Chris Patten at There is an expectation that Financial Regulations are followed.

After completion of the project, please provide copies of invoices and a list of costs incurred. On receipt of this documentation and subsequent review, HR will instruct the Finance Division to journal sufficient ‘income’ to cover your costs.



