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Uncle Beerus
Oct 25, 2017
I can't wait to play BotW without frame drops.
Also if Pokemon Legends Arceus has framerate issues at launch then Pro will probably clear those up. Same with resolution issues, the game might actually be pretty clean on the device.


Oct 29, 2017
I read it and understood it the first time I read it. Correct me if I'm wrong but you directly compared people wanting the Wii to have similar graphical capabilities as the PS360 to people wanting a 1080p resolution on new Switch instead of one that is 720p and positioned it as being the same or similar argument. They're not, not even remotely the same.

Literally, the only time that a 1080p screen would look better is "IF" the games being played handheld are native 1080p. I highly doubt there will be many games, if any at all, that will be able to hit that in handheld mode. Even then, the hit to battery life wouldn't be worth it and you'd be able to downsample the 1080p game to the 720p screen making it look even better.

I'll make this very simple. For everyone who is upset that the screen is 720p instead of 1080p, find out the native resolution for your computer monitor. Then go download a wallpaper for your desktop that is the same resolution as your monitor. Then, download the same wallpaper in a lower resolution and compare the two. Then come back in here and try to explain how the lower resolution wallpaper somehow looks better on your monitor.

Or go find a DigitalFoundry article that breaks down the image quality between a native 4K XBOX One X game and a PS4 4K checkerboard game and watch it on a 4k screen and try and make the argument that the PS4 checkerboard game looks better on a 4K screen than the native 4K One X game on a 4K screen. Native will always look better. Period.

Lol, you're missing my point entirely.

If a hardcore enthusiast said they wished the Wii had better graphics you could say "Well it sold boatloads, clearly no one cares about its graphics." And there may be some truth to that, but that argument isn't going to make someone suddenly stop wishing that Metroid Prime 3 looks more like Gears of War.

Similarly, you can say that few people are going to care about the new Switch's resolution, and that will almost certainly be true. But that's not going to immediately quiet the "But my phone has a higher resolution" crowd. Enthusiasts just aren't going to care about what the average person prioritizes.

That's literally all I was saying. I never said that non-native resolutions look as good as native, or whatever you're blathering about. Again, I have no clue how you got that from my first post you quoted. Thanks anyway for the unnecessary, condescending explanation of how resolution works, I guess.

I hope this post is simple enough for you. You seem to be struggling.


Oct 25, 2017
You really think there's going to be any more than there was for DSi or New 3DS? I'd be shocked if there's ever one.
There were quite a few DSi and New 3DS exclusives, they were just mostly on the eShop.

But also there are a couple key differences I see with this system. One is that there are a lot of ports that aren't quite in reach right now due to PS4/XB1. A new system with improved specs really has the potential to open the floodgates for those. The other is that I expect this system to have a much longer cycle than the DSi or New 3DS. While it will probably be treated more like a revision at first, based on the rumored specs, I expect it to eventually pull away from the current Switch and become the new baseline.


Oct 27, 2017
And why would you think that, lol?

I wouldn't personally be so confident in it. That said, Nate has speculated something similar:

Nintendo's plans are to position it as a revision. A premium model, if you will.

Speculation time: They may gradually ease support from OG Switch to this model over a period of a yr or two, similar to a mobile device. Don't know their long-term plans of approach.
Mar 31, 2020
Lol, you're missing my point entirely.

If a hardcore enthusiast said they wished the Wii had better graphics you could say "Well it sold boatloads, clearly no one cares about its graphics." And there may be some truth to that, but that argument isn't going to make someone suddenly stop wishing that Metroid Prime 3 looks more like Gears of War.

Similarly, you can say that few people are going to care about the new Switch's resolution, and that will almost certainly be true. But that's not going to immediately quiet the "But my phone has a higher resolution" crowd. Enthusiasts just aren't going to care about what the average person prioritizes.

That's literally all I was saying. I never said that non-native resolutions look as good as native, or whatever you're blathering about. Again, I have no clue how you got that from my first post you quoted. Thanks anyway for the unnecessary, condescending explanation of how resolution works, I guess.

I hope this post is simple enough for you. You seem to be struggling.

You've made similar ridiculous statements throughout this thread, even when people brought the math to the table to help you understand and you blew them off and spouted off cockily as if you know what you're talking about when you clearly don't.

I'd be happy to snag your exact quotes if necessary. The whole point you're missing is that the enthusiasts that actually know the difference between viewing various content in various screen resolutions are the one's wanting the 720p, not the 1080p screen, so you're argument misses the boat completely, which is exactly what everyone has been trying to get through to you.

Maybe it's you who needs to slow down and use some critical thinking skills before sounding off in a message board so confidently. Shit you write down is permanent so you'd be well informed to proof read or have at least a rudimentary understanding of the topic at hand before hitting that send button. But I digress


Oct 29, 2017
You've made similar ridiculous statements throughout this thread, even when people brought the math to the table to help you understand and you blew them off and spouted off cockily as if you know what you're talking about when you clearly don't.

I'd be happy to snag your exact quotes if necessary. The whole point you're missing is that the enthusiasts that actually know the difference between viewing various content in various screen resolutions are the one's wanting the 720p, not the 1080p screen, so you're argument misses the boat completely, which is exactly what everyone has been trying to get through to you.

Maybe it's you who needs to slow down and use some critical thinking skills before sounding off in a message board so confidently. Shit you write down is permanent so you'd be well informed to proof read or have at least a rudimentary understanding of the topic at hand before hitting that send button. But I digress

Oh, please do go snag those quotes. Be sure to include the ones where I say 1080p is overkill.

I'm glad you've laid out who the "true" enthusiasts are. I guess I just lack the critical thinking skills to tell between the people who post on a games forum who are "real enthusiasts" and the ones who just wound up here on accident.

I'd probably learn how to use your and you're correctly before calling out someone else's intelligence. But I digress.


Oct 27, 2017
And why would you think that, lol?

Personally, I think it's possible we see some technically taxing games that release with a Cloud version for Switch/Switch Lite, and a traditional release for the Pro model.

It feels like the quiet Cloud releases we've seen of late could be a trial run to test the viability of that by some 3rd parties.


Oct 29, 2017
Personally, I think it's possible we see some technically taxing games that release with a Cloud version for Switch/Switch Lite, and a traditional release for the Pro model.

It feels like the quiet Cloud releases we've seen of late could be a trial run to test the viability of that by some 3rd parties.

Actually that's pretty interesting, I hadn't considered Nintendo doing a cloud game. Personally I be beyond surprised if they did that but I suppose it's a possibility.

It may make it harder to sell future consoles if people start thinking "Wait, why can't I play exclusives for this new hardware on the cloud."


Jan 16, 2018
Presumably if they can't hit November with this then they wouldn't announce it this year. It would totally leak all over the place though, that could impact their sales.
Yes, we are only in early March will all this smoke... if they start production in July, where will we be by Christmas?

I know that. It wouldn't be announced until January the earliest.

Even January would be kind of BS for all the people who would get an OG Switch at Christmas.

When did they announce it?

They don't need to announce it. The word is out and it will only get worse when production start this summer.

Current switch was announced October 2016 and released in March 2017.


They had virtually nothing to sell Christmad 2016.


Oct 29, 2017
They don't need to announce it. The word is out and it will only get worse when production start this summer.

Lol, that's not how this works. They're not going to skip an official announcement just because it leaked. And we have no idea what that announcement will be.

Personally I'd guess this fall is the most likely launch period but it's not a guarantee.


Oct 27, 2017
I think at this point I care more about the controller they create, specifically the sticks and if it has a damn dpad. The resolution and power seems so much less important.

My biggest complaints about the Switch have nothing to do with resolution or performance.


Jan 16, 2018
Lol, that's not how this works. They're not going to skip an official announcement just because it leaked. And we have no idea what that announcement will be.

Personally I'd guess this fall is the most likely launch period but it's not a guarantee.

You misunderstood my meaning.
I never said won't announce it, how stupid do you thing I am?

I said they don't need to announce it for it to have a negative influence in their Christmas sales.

The rumors are enough, especially because we are so early in the year, there is no telling what we know by Christmas, official announcement or not.
Mar 3, 2018
Curious to see what something like this will end up costing in Canada. Currently, the Switch goes for $400 here...wonder if they will just replace the current one and have it priced at $400 (and possibly keep the OG switch and lower its price?), or this will be $499. Bleh, hate the exchange rate.


Mar 26, 2019
Orange County, CA
There will be some select exclusives, especially from third-party partners. May not be a big number of them, but I know of at least one.
I'm going to guess the Square part of Square Enix are going to release games exclusive to the new model. I'm also going to guess all the Kingdom Hearts games outside of Melody of Memory is exclusive to the new model, going by Square Enix's bullshit response to why the rest of the Kingdom Hearts games (except for Kingdom Hearts HD 2.8 Final Chapter Prologue and Kingdom Hearts III) aren't coming to the Nintendo Switch, according to Tetsuya Nomura.


Oct 25, 2017
Yeah, if a game borderline can't run acceptably on the base Switch hardware, I imagine it'd just land exclusively on the revision.
Yeah, I don't really see an issue with that. Everyone who releases games on Switch does this to tap into its enormous userbase -- releasing a game exclusively for Switch Pro means that you lose all of that. No developer or publisher will consider creating a game exclusively for Switch Pro if a Switch port is possible in some form. And if a game simply can't run acceptably on OG Switch hardware, then what harm would be done by releasing it as a Pro exclusive? From a consumer standpoint a game released for a limited audience still beats a game that didn't get released at all.


Oct 29, 2017
You misunderstood my meaning.
I never said won't announce it, how stupid do you thing I am?

I said they don't need to announce it for it to have a negative influence in their Christmas sales.

The rumors are enough, especially because we are so early in the year, there is no telling what we know by Christmas, official announcement or not.

... But we don't know when they're announcing it. For all we know they'll announce it next January for a spring 2022 release.

Deleted member 36578

Dec 21, 2017
I've seen footage of a game this morning. Won't say what it is, but everything looked and ran considerably better than its predecessor. If what I saw ran on Switch Pro, which is likely given how the previous game ran on Switch, we're in for a meaty upgrade.
If we get better framerates I'm sold.


Oct 27, 2017
There will be some select exclusives, especially from third-party partners. May not be a big number of them, but I know of at least one.

I wouldn't be surprised if Tales of Arise is one of those games considering how big the Switch is in Japan.

I think people are overlooking the benefit of the screen being native 720p when it comes to supporting current switch titles. Many of the Switch games that run at sub HD currently, probably run in docked mode at 720p dynamic at the worst. I expect the new switch to be able to run current switch docked mode visuals in handheld mode without much problems. If that is the case, I hope Nintendo will update the OS to allow current docked mode settings in handheld mode for the new system, which will give all of those games a free visual upgrade without input from developers from day one. If devs want to back to their older games and patch in even more improvements, that will be up to them to do so.
Jan 31, 2018
Wish they'd also increase the quality of the overall build. All I'm playing right now is Switch Lite and it's great, but it just feels so cheap compared to the Vita. The buttons in particular; poor quality and poor design.


Oct 29, 2017
My take on this is that I don't think any Nintendo published title will be Switch Pro exclusive, however I think the option may be available to Third Parties for ports. That way, they can supplement with Cloud streaming on the OG Switch.

Ayy, my take has been semi-confirmed :)

There will be some select exclusives, especially from third-party partners. May not be a big number of them, but I know of at least one.
Mar 31, 2020
Wowsers, TRIPLE!?!

Problem is you don't view your TV at arm's length.

I like how you start with 'come the fuck on' and then end by saying the difference would 'probably' be less apparent, lol.

Native res doesn't make that big a difference. I'm not sure you understand what resolution is if you think this is even a possibility. Go read text on a 1080p, 27" monitor. Does it looks the same as text on a 1440p monitor at the same size if they're both displaying their native resolution?

I realize this isn't the most practical test, so I'll go ahead and spoil the results: higher res displays look crisper then lower res displays even if they're both showing something at their native res.
Oh, please do go snag those quotes. Be sure to include the ones where I say 1080p is overkill.

I'm glad you've laid out who the "true" enthusiasts are. I guess I just lack the critical thinking skills to tell between the people who post on a games forum who are "real enthusiasts" and the ones who just wound up here on accident.

I'd probably learn how to use your and you're correctly before calling out someone else's intelligence. But I digress.

This is you right? Saying native resolution doesn't make that big of a difference and to think it does means that the person doesn't know anything about resolution? Because if it is you literally just outed yourself as the one whom is not understanding anything about resolution.

He literally explains how "native" 720p and 1080p content, content that is created at a resolution no higher than 720p or 1080p, when viewed on a screen with a much higher resolution than the 720p or 1080p content like one that is 4K is absolutely going to look worse. You then you try and get all cute with your reply and say something completely ridiculous like 4K content on a 4K screen looks "crisper" than 1440p native content on a 1440p screen? So basically, 4K > 1440p? No shit Sherlock, but how does that have anything remotely to do with what DongBeetle had to say?


Prophet of Regret
Apr 17, 2020
There will be some select exclusives, especially from third-party partners. May not be a big number of them, but I know of at least one.
I dislike the idea of upgraded versions having exclusive games. But thanks for the information and I guess we'll find out how many games will be exclusive. As long as those are all third party, I can play them on my Xbox or PS. Hopefully first party games won't be Switch Pro exclusive.


Oct 27, 2017
I hope this also means some big first party gun is coming within Q4 this CY and Q1 next CY

Botw2, Splatoon 3, Pokémon Legend and Xenoblade 3 from November 2021 to March 2022 would actually be...great


Oct 29, 2017
This is you right? Saying native resolution doesn't make that big of a difference and to think it does means that the person doesn't know anything about resolution? Because if it is you literally just outed yourself as the one whom is not understanding anything about resolution.

He literally explains how "native" 720p and 1080p content, content that is created at a resolution no higher than 720p or 1080p, when viewed on a screen with a much higher resolution than the 720p or 1080p content like one that is 4K is absolutely going to look worse. You then you try and get all cute with your reply and say something completely ridiculous like 4K content on a 4K screen looks "crisper" than 1440p native content on a 1440p screen? So basically, 4K > 1440p? No shit Sherlock, but how does that have anything remotely to do with what DongBeetle had to say?

Lol, this is a completely different topic then the last few of my posts you quoted. I'm not even sure how to respond to this.

It seems to me DongBeetle was saying that 720p content displayed on a 720p display will look comparable to 1080p content displayed on a 1080p display. Which isn't true. The 1080p content on the 1080p display will be sharper. Since 1080p > 720p. To quote an intellect, "No shit, Sherlock." I don't get what your issue is.


Oct 29, 2017
Eurogamer says the current Switch screen is 6.2", while Nintendo say it's 5.5".

So by what measurement is the 7" size for the Pro? 7" Eurogamer measure or 7" Nintendo measure (which would be closer to 8" if that's the case)?


Oct 25, 2017
There will be some select exclusives, especially from third-party partners. May not be a big number of them, but I know of at least one.

Gross. I kind of hope they don't do well so we don't have to go through this in the future. I don't want people who spent 200-300 dollars on a system in the past 4 years, which has been promised to "just be in the middle of its lifecycle" to miss out on games, or have to buy another 300+ dollar system.

Eurogamer says the current Switch screen is 6.2", while Nintendo say it's 5.5".

So by what measurement is the 7" size for the Pro? 7" Eurogamer measure or 7" Nintendo measure (which would be closer to 8" if that's the case)?

You must be looking at Switch Lite information, the official site and comparison shows 6.2 inches for Switch and 5.5 for Switch Lite.
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