• Corpus ID: 115008034

Nobody tosses a Dwarf! – Modelling Gimli being tossed by Aragorn

  title={Nobody tosses a Dwarf! – Modelling Gimli being tossed by Aragorn},
  author={Robbie Roe},
  journal={Journal of Interdisciplinary Science Topics},
  • Robbie Roe
  • Published 18 March 2016
  • Physics
  • Journal of Interdisciplinary Science Topics
Gimli the Dwarf, a character from The Lord of the Rings, is at one point in the film series tossed by Aragorn into enemies to help buy time for a frantic gate repair at Helm’s Deep. In this paper, the amount of force that Aragorn produces to perform this feat is calculated. By using a number of assumptions and simple physical models, the force with which Gimli was thrown by Aragorn was calculated to be 2767 N, a significant exertion. 

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