Structural Scaffolds for Citation Intent Classification in Scientific Publications

  title={Structural Scaffolds for Citation Intent Classification in Scientific Publications},
  author={Arman Cohan and Bridger Waleed Ammar and Madeleine van Zuylen and Field Cady},
This work proposes structural scaffolds, a multitask model to incorporate structural information of scientific papers into citations for effective classification of citation intents, which achieves a new state-of-the-art on an existing ACL anthology dataset with a 13.3% absolute increase in F1 score.

Figures and Tables from this paper

CitePrompt: Using Prompts to Identify Citation Intent in Scientific Papers

A tool Citeprompt is presented which uses the hitherto unexplored approach of prompt learning for citation intent classification and argues that with the proper choice of the pretrained language model, the prompt template, and the prompt verbalizer, one can get results that are better than or comparable to those obtained with the state-of-the-art methods.

GraphCite: Citation Intent Classification in Scientific Publications via Graph Embeddings

The model, GraphCite, is presented, which improves significantly upon models that take into consideration only the citation phrase and also considers the citation graph, leveraging high-level information of citation patterns.

Additional Context Helps! Leveraging Cited Paper Information to Improve Citation Classification

This work proposes a neural multi-task learning framework that harnesses the structural information of the research papers and the relation between the citation context and the cited paper for citation classification and achieves a new state of the art on the ACL-ARC dataset.

Categorizing Citation Relations in Scientific Papers Based on the Contributions of Cited Papers

This work proposes a method to Classify Citation Relationships based on the Contributions of Cited papers that achieves an accuracy of 0.7896 on the test set using the SciBERT model, which indicates that it is feasible to classify citation relations by the contributions of cited papers.

Citation Intent Classification and Its Supporting Evidence Extraction for Citation Graph Construction

A fine-grained citation graph is constructed in which citation intents and their supporting evidence are labeled between citing and cited papers instead, and a model with a Transformer encoder to encode the long-lengthy paper is proposed.

Citation Intent Classification Through Weakly Supervised Knowledge Graphs

This work proposes a text-free citation intent classification method built on relational information among scholarly works in this work and shows that it can achieve a comparable macro F1 score to word embedding content-based methods by only relying on features and relations derived from this knowledge graph.

Structured Semantic Modeling of Scientific Citation Intents

This work proposes CiTelling : a radically new model of Ne-grained semantic structures lying behind citational sentences able to represent their intent and features and extends the current depth of existing semantic representations when used in computational scenarios.

A meta-analysis of semantic classification of citations

This literature review investigates the approaches for characterizing citations based on their semantic type and explores the existing classification schemes, data sets, preprocessing methods, extraction of contextual and noncontextual features, and the different types of classifiers and evaluation approaches.

Dynamic Context Extraction for Citation Classification

A new automated unsupervised approach for the selection of a dynamic-size and potentially non-contiguous citation context, which utilises the transformer-based document representations and embedding similarities, is introduced.

Multi-task learning model for citation intent classification in scientific publications

The experimental results demonstrate that the heterogeneous features and the multi-task framework with soft parameter sharing constraint proposed in this paper enhance the overall citation intent classification performance.

Purpose and Polarity of Citation: Towards NLP-based Bibliometrics

This paper analyzes the text that accompanies citations in scientific articles (which the authors term citation context) and proposes supervised methods for identifying citation text and analyzing it to determine the purpose and the polarity of citation.

Automatically classifying the role of citations in biomedical articles.

The development of an eight-category classification scheme, annotation using that scheme, and development and evaluation of supervised machine-learning classifiers using the annotated data are reported on.

Measuring the Evolution of a Scientific Field through Citation Frames

This work performs the largest behavioral study of citations to date, analyzing how scientific works frame their contributions through different types of citations and how this framing affects the field as a whole and changes in citation framing are used to show that the field of NLP is undergoing a significant increase in consensus.

Automatic classification of citation function

This work shows that the annotation scheme for citation function is reliable, and presents a supervised machine learning framework to automatically classify citation function, using both shallow and linguistically-inspired features, finding a strong relationship between citation function and sentiment classification.

Scientific Article Summarization Using Citation-Context and Article’s Discourse Structure

It is shown that the proposed summarization approach for scientific articles which takes advantage of citation-context and the document discourse model effectively improves over existing summarization approaches (greater than 30% improvement over the best performing baseline) in terms of ROUGE scores on TAC2014 scientific summarization dataset.

Contextualizing Citations for Scientific Summarization using Word Embeddings and Domain Knowledge

An unsupervised model that uses distributed representation of words as well as domain knowledge to extract the appropriate context from the reference paper is proposed and demonstrated how an effective contextualization method results in improving citation-based summarization of the scientific articles.

Ensemble-style Self-training on Citation Classification

This work builds an ensemble-style selftraining classification model and gets better classification performance using only few training data, which largely reduces the manual annotation work in this task.

Matching Citation Text and Cited Spans in Biomedical Literature: a Search-Oriented Approach

A system that identifies text spans in the reference article that are related to a given citance that is equivalent to citance-reference spans matching is proposed, and a comparison of different citance reformulation methods and their combinations is detailed.

Citation context analysis for information retrieval

The main hypothesis that citation terms enhance a full-text representation of scientific papers is proven and the construction of a new, realistic test collection of scientific research papers is documented, with references and associated citations automatically annotated.