News Cloud Management

Alina Timofeeva, Board member for the British Computer Society

CrowdStrike: Key Perspectives on the IT Outage

As experts are now also warning of possible further risks as criminals seek to exploit the IT issues, I am commenting about key steps to be taken strategically to ensure that this situation and 'harm' does not impact the customers in f ...

Marco Palladino, founder and CTO at Kong Inc.

Best Practices for Managing and Scaling Generative AI

Discover the best practices for managing and scaling generative AI in this comprehensive guide. Learn how to optimize AI deployment, ensure data security, and integrate seamlessly with existing IT infrastructure.

How Your Business Can Beat Hyperscaler Fatigue

Running a small business in today's digital age is like walking a tightrope. The pressure to establish a robust online presence is immense, and for many small businesses, that journey involves navigating the overwhelming dominance of h ...