cyber defence

Government To Classify UK Data Centres As Critical Infrastructure

Data centres in the UK are to designated as Critical National Infrastructure (CNI), alongside energy and water systems

4 days ago

Deepfakes: More Than Skin Deep Security

As deepfake technology continues to blur the lines between reality and deception, businesses and individuals alike must arm themselves with…

5 months ago

Greatest Cyber Risks Are Extortion, Geopolitical Tension, SMB Attacks

Mimecast in its latest Threat Intelligence report reveals the greatest current cybersecurity threats to business defences

7 months ago

BT Clocks 530 Cyberattacks Every Second

Alarming. New data from UK telecoms giant BT has revealed the scale of cyberattacks being launched on a daily basis

11 months ago

7 Ways to Maximise MSSP Effectiveness

Matt Lawrence, Head of Defensive Security at JUMPSEC, highlights the challenges organisations face when detecting and responding to cyber threats,…

2 years ago

Silicon In Focus Podcast: Your Essential Cybersecurity Tech Stack

Are enterprises evaluating their cybersecurity tech stacks right now? What changes are they looking to make? Discover your business’s essential…

2 years ago

UK, Australia Reach Cyber, Critical Tech Agreement

Australia says it will 'fight back' against nation state cyberattacks, after agreements with the UK over cyber, technology, and other…

3 years ago

BT Eagle-i Seeks To Predict, Prevent Cyberattacks

Proactive security approach. New security platform from BT Security, dubbed 'Eagle-i', seeks to predict and prevent cyberattacks

3 years ago

European Commission Plans Joint Cyber Unit

European authorities propose a joint cyber unit to tackle large-scale security incidents, with European nations sharing their cyber expertise and…

3 years ago

Foreign Secretary Warns Russia About Ransomware Attacks

Dominic Raab warns Russia it cannot continue to shelter criminal gangs carrying out ransomware attacks on Western nations

3 years ago

Queen’s Speech: Government Targets Skills, Advanced Research, Online Safety

Government unveils ambitious raft of changes including a lifetime skills guarantee, an advanced research agency, online safety, and many more

3 years ago

UK Reserves Nuclear Strike Response For ‘Emerging Technologies’ Attack

The UK Integrated Defence Review includes subtle change about when it may use nuclear weapons if attacked by 'emerging technologies'

4 years ago

UK To Create National Cyber Force, Amid £16.5bn Defence Rise

UK's biggest defence investment since Cold War, to combine cyber operations of UK military and intelligence in one unified command

4 years ago

Focus On Cyber Defence Rather Than Cyber Attack – Former NCSC Head

'Don't weaponise the net'. Former head of UK's NCSC urges governments to focus on cyber defence than cyber offensive capabilities

4 years ago

Coronavirus: Cyber Experts Team Up To Battle Covid-19 Related Hacking

Taking on the criminals using the Coronavirus pandemic to carry out hacking, group of 400 cyber-security experts is established

4 years ago

UK Readies ‘National Cyber Force’ To Tackle Terrorists, Hostile Nations

Specialist 'National Cyber Force' for the United Kingdom to be launched in the spring to tackle hostile nation states and…

5 years ago

Iran Defeats ‘Second Cyber-Attack’, Minister Claims

Telecoms minister of Iran says his country has foiled a second cyber-attack targetting government systems in less than a week

5 years ago

Government Invests £36m To Bolster Chip Cyber Defence

Additional £36 million in funding as government teams up with chip designer ARM to bolster chip level cyber security for…

5 years ago

Israel Hits Back At Hamas Cyber Attack With Airstrike

Ultimate cyber defence? Israeli warplanes stop attempted Hamas cyber attack, with airstrike that 'removed' its HQ

5 years ago

GCHQ To Work With Banks To Thwart Fraud, Cyber Attacks

British intelligence joins the fight against bank fraud and cyber attacks as it seeks to work more closely with businesses

5 years ago

Hackers Overcome University Cyber Defences In Hours

Ethical hackers take down university cyber defences and obtain valuable data in just two hours

5 years ago

Nearly Half European Businesses Lack Robust Cyber Defence – Study

Kaspersky Lab study also shows majority feel that attackers are rarely caught and brought to justice

5 years ago

Name And Shame Firms With Poor Cybersecurity

Academic report argues businesses with poor cyber security should be publicly named and shamed

6 years ago

Outdated Cyber Defence Puts Organisations At Risk, Says Webroot

Adapt or die. Outdated cyber defences are putting organisations at risk from constantly changing online threats

6 years ago

UK’s Offensive Cyber Warfare Ability ‘More Than Doubles’

GCHQ has "over-achieved" in building up its offensive cyber-capabilities, official report finds

7 years ago

Trump Signs Executive Order To Upgrade US Cyber Defences

Cyber defences of US government agencies to be upgraded after President Trump orders order

7 years ago

Defence Secretary: Putin’s Cyber Attacks Seek To Destabilise West

Defence Secretary Fallon says Russian hackers are targetting critical Western infrastructure

8 years ago

Cyber Security Challenge UK Tasks Hackers With Energy Firm Defence

Challenge sees amateurs battle to protect energy firm from cyber attacks, both internal and external

8 years ago

Bruce Schneier: ‘Someone Is Learning How to Take Down the Internet’

Security expert Bruce Schneier suspects state-sponsored DDoS attacks are being levied at major internet infrastructure providers to test cyber defences

8 years ago