prime minister

Australian PM Hits Out At Elon Musk Over Knife Attack Video

Censorship row brewing down under, after the Australian Prime Minister calls Elon Musk an 'arrogant billionaire'

5 months ago

AI Safety Summit 2023: Musk Tells PM AI Will End Work

Prime Minister Rishi Sunak and Elon Musk sit down for a conversation in London as AI Safety Summit concludes

11 months ago

Canadian PM Trudeau Slams Facebook Amid Wildfire Crisis

Canada’s government continues to turn up the heat against Meta, with Prime Minister Trudeau calling news ban 'inconceivable'

1 year ago

Downing Street Acknowledges ‘Existential’ Risk Of AI

Prime Minister Rishi Sunak has met the heads of firms including DeepMind and OpenAI to discuss AI safety and regulation

1 year ago

Downing Street, FCO May Have Been Infected By Pegasus Spyware

Citizen Lab says UK's number 10 and Foreign Office network was suspected to have been infected with Pegasus spyware, with…

2 years ago

Post Office Slammed After Convictions Overturned

Convictions overturned due to Post Office's faulty Horizon computer system, with Prime Minister calling the convictions "an appalling injustice"

3 years ago

Twitter Account Of Indian Prime Minister Hacked

The official Twitter account of Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi has been hacked, asking for a cryptocurrency donation

4 years ago

Boris Johnson Warns Huawei Could Still Be Excluded From 5G

Not so fast. Prime Minister Boris Johnson hints Huawei role in 5G might harm UK security after President Trump warning…

5 years ago

Huawei Decision A ‘Matter Of Urgency’ For Next PM

Decision time. Committee of MPs urges next Prime Minister of the UK to make Huawei 5G decision “urgently”

5 years ago

Boris Johnson Calls For Digital Tax On Tech Giants

Candidate to be prime minister says current tax arrangements for tech giants is 'deeply unfair' to the high street

5 years ago

Huawei Leak Probe Sees Firing Of Defence Secretary

Gavin Williamson sacked for 'compelling evidence' of Huawei leak from National Security Council

5 years ago

Theresa May Surrenders BlackBerry For Apple iPhone

Prime Minister finally hands over beloved BlackBerry in favour of an Apple iPhone

6 years ago

PM Theresa May Seeks Safe AI Future For UK

British PM to propose new advisory body to oversea safe and ethical deployment of AI, and urges tech firms to…

7 years ago

Government Plans Online Residency Procedure For EU Nationals

The planned online system is aimed at replacing the unwieldy 85-page paper form currently required to establish UK residency

7 years ago