Tax Avoidance

Amazon Pays Just £12m Corporation Tax Despite £5.3bn Sales

But the days of tech giants paying low amounts of tax could be numbered

9 years ago

Amazon Starts European Corporate Tax Payments

Amazon begins paying corporate tax in a number of European countries, but will Google and Apple follow suit?

9 years ago

Tax Practices Of Tech Giants Attacked By OECD Official

The man in charge of reforming global tax laws warns tech giants to stop “extremely aggressive” tax planning

9 years ago

TfL Seeks HMRC Probe Of Uber Tax Arrangement

The bitter rivalry between established transport players and the young pretender Uber continues

10 years ago

Amazon Luxembourg Tax Affairs Faces EU Probe

Amazon faces official EU watchdog probe over its tax arrangement deal with Luxembourg

10 years ago

Apple Faces European Commission Tax Probe

The European Commission begins a formal investigation into the tax arrangements of Apple and others

10 years ago

Samsung Heirs Face Colossal Inheritance Tax Bill

The ailing health of Samsung's Group patriarch triggers worry about a very hefty inheritance tax bill

10 years ago

Google Staff Bus Halted By Angry Protests

Residents in San Francisco stopped a bus carrying Google staff to protest at its contribution to local coffers

11 years ago

Russian Authorities To Investigate Google’s Tax Practices

A Russian lawmaker accuses Google of tax avoidance, while a different investigation looks at data transfers possibly related to PRISM

11 years ago

US Shields Its Digital Companies Against Tax Reform

The White House could resist closing loopholes in international tax law

11 years ago

G8 Pledges Action Over Tax Avoidance

G8 leaders vow to crack down on international tax evasion following the Google, Apple, and Amazon accusations

11 years ago

MPs Urge HMRC To Act On Google ‘Tax Avoidance’

Google faces more fierce criticism over its tax affairs from MPs, and government is urged to take proper action

11 years ago

MPs Bemoan ‘Tax Avoidance’ Amongst Top Government IT Suppliers

Accenture and Capgemini say they are doing nothing wrong, as MPs vent frustration

12 years ago

Apple Accused Of Running From the Taxman

Record profits don’t always mean record taxes

12 years ago