Everything we know about Star Wars Jedi Survivor: release date, plot & more

Star Wars Jedi Survivor
(Image credit: Respawn Entertainment)

Update (2/1/23): Respawn Entertainment have announced a small delay to the release of Star Wars Jedi: Survivor, which will now launch on April 28.

Are you ready to take on the Empire in Star Wars Jedi: Survivor? We've put together this handy guide containing everything with know about Respawn Entertainment's upcoming sequel to their 2019 hit, Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order.

Star Wars Jedi: Survivor picks up five years after the events of Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order according to the information release by Respawn Entertainment around the official announcement of the game. Cal must stay one step ahead of the Empire’s constant pursuit as he continues to feel the weight of being one of the last remaining Jedi in the galaxy. 

The Jedi series of games are set between Revenge of the Sith and A New Hope in the mainline chronology, exploring that period of the time where the Empire had essentially won. To see how that fits in the wider Star Wars timeline, check out our guide to the Star Wars movies in order.

If you're itching to get back behind the controls of a Jedi, then read on to find out the everything we know about Star Wars Jedi: Survivor including release date, platforms, and plot details.

Star Wars Jedi Survivor: Release date

Star Wars Jedi Survivor

(Image credit: Respawn Entertainment)

Star Wars Jedi Survivor will launch on April 28th. It was originally slated for March 17, but Respawn released a statement on Twitter announcing the month-long delayed to help them "enhance performance, stability, polish. and most importantly, the player experience"

Th original launch date was confirmed during the Game Awards in December 2022, where we were treated to another trailer showing more of the game off, along with the release date. Hopefully we don't get another delayed between now and April, because we can't wait to dive back into Cal's adventure.

Star Wars Jedi Survivor: Platforms

Star Wars Jedi Survivor

(Image credit: Respawn Entertainment)

Star Wars Jedi: Survivor will be launching on Xbox Series X, Xbox Series S, PlayStation 5 & PC. 

If you're still playing on previous generation consoles like the Xbox One and PS4, you're going to have to upgrade to continue Cal's story as developer's Respawn Entertainment have decided to develop this one exclusively for current gen consoles so they can push the graphical fidelity further (and presumably reduce the number of platforms they need to work across).

Star Wars Jedi Survivor: Plot

Star Wars Jedi Survivor

(Image credit: Respawn Entertainment)

Star Wars Jedi: Survivor picks up five years after the events of Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order according to the information released by Respawn Entertainment around the official announcement of the game. Cal must stay one step ahead of the Empire’s constant pursuit as he continues to feel the weight of being one of the last remaining Jedi in the galaxy. 

Spoilers for Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order ahead… 

At the end of the first game, Cal Kestis is confronted by Darth Vader in an incredibly memorable showdown. After barely escaping with his life following the confrontation, Cal has to make the ultimate choice, whether to use the Holocron data, which lists the location of force-sensitive children in the galaxy, to rebuild the Jedi Order, or to destroy it in order to make sure that no further children were sacrificed to the whims of the Empire, or forced to become inquisitors. 

Cal ultimately decides to destroy the Holocron, and with it the data. The game ends with the question, “So, where to now?”. 

The second game has a huge number of possible plot lines from the first game that it can follow. Now that Cal is officially a Jedi Knight having been given the honor by Cere, he must explore his force abilities in order to better control his urges and visions of the Dark Side. 

Star Wars Jedi Survivor

(Image credit: Respawn Entertainment)

Once again welcoming the force back in to her mind, Cere must decide whether to take up arms against the empire as one of the last remaining Jedi, or spend her life hiding. 

What we know from the two trailers is that Cal and his gang are on the run. Having escaped Vader, they’re now exploring the galaxy, looking over their shoulder at every turn. In the first teaser trailer we see what appears to be a Pau’an in possession of one of Cal’s lightsabers. 

This may imply that in the sequel, Cal will only use one blade for the majority of the game, as we later see him battle mysterious figure that wields a red saber using only one blade. 

Star Wars Jedi Survivor

(Image credit: Respawn Entertainment)

The biggest mystery of the trailer is the white-skinnned character that Cal finds in a Bacta tank. It's a man with long white hair who doesn't appear to be any prominent legacy character, so they're probably a new creation for this story, but they seem central to the plot. 

Is this the “Survivor” that the game’s name alludes too? The exact number of Jedi that survived Order 66 has never been established, allowing for the canon to introduce new Jedi all the time, this could be another one that fights alongside Cal, or they could fall to the dark side and be the foe we see Cal battling in the teaser trailer. 

Star Wars Jedi Survivor: Trailers

So far we’ve only seen two trailers for the game - a short teaser trailer, and a longer gameplay reveal at Geoff Keighley’s The Game Awards, but these did give us a good glimpse into the potential plot. 

You can see the original teaser trailer below:

And here is the full gameplay trailer that was shown off at The Game Awards. We get to see a lot more detail about the game, including rideable mounts, CIS battle droids, and a Kylo Ren-style broadsword lightsaber configuration that Cal can use.

Star Wars Jedi Survivor: Will Darth Vader return?

Star Wars Jedi Survivor

(Image credit: Respawn Entertainment)

Now that Darth Vader knows that Cere and Cal survived, you can imagine that the powerful Sith Lord will be sending his entire army after the crew. In the trailer we briefly glimpse a character wielding a red lightsaber, cloaked in shadow. It’s hard to tell if this is an inquisitor or simply another Sith Lord. The Rule Of Two may suggest that this isn’t a Sith Lord, but we’ll find out soon enough. There’s also the mystery of the person in the Bacta tank. Friend or foe? 

We haven't seen any suggestion that Darth Vader will be in Jedi Survivor so far, but given that his presence in the first game, Jedi Fallen Order, was quite well hidden until after launch too with only a small teaser of his iconic breath sound in the original trailer. Given how badly he wrecked us last time, it's probably better if Cal avoids another run in with him anyway.

That’s everything we know about Star Wars Jedi: Survivor so far. Hopefully it won’t be too much longer until we’re back exploring the galaxy with Cal and BD-1. Will more legacy characters appear? Will Cal continue his training? 

If you're looking for more great Star Wars content, check out our guide to the Star Wars movies, ranked worst to best.  There's also our guide to the best Lego Star Wars sets which includes the Razor Crest, the Millenium Falcon and more.  

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Jordan Middler

Jordan Middler is a Scottish journalist with a love for anything he can put on a shelf. With almost a decade of creating content about video games and tech, as well as five years as the chief voice of gaming for BBC Scotland, Jordan has recently turned his attention to all things LEGO, mainly so that when we reach the heat-death of the universe, he can build himself a lovely fallout shelter and wait for it to all blow over. If he’s not reviewing the latest games, or building LEGO, you’ll find him dusting his shelves in the eternal war with his greatest enemy, dust.