Nightwing Has a Ghostly Guardian

When it comes to friends, Nightwing is one of the most well-connected characters in DC Comics. Between the Titans and the Batman Family, Dick Grayson knows many powerful people. But there are also powers beyond the grave protecting the first Robin.

The Batman/Scooby-Doo Mysteries #1, by Sholly Fisch and Dario Brizuela, revealed Dick Grayson’s ghostly guardians. The action of the issue finds Nightwing teaming with the Mysteries Inc. gang as they investigate multiple near-fatal accidents at Haly’s Circus. The case hits Dick Grayson hard, as his parents died from sabotage of the family’s circus.

Nightwing Chases Fake Deadman
(Image Source: DC / Dario Brizuela )

The case is further complicated when the saboteur is identified as the ghostly acrobat Deadman. In life, Boston Brand was a circus daredevil, famed for his death-defying stunts. In death, Brand took up his Deadman identity as a hero, possessing people to see justice done and helping other spirits find peace. As such, it makes little sense that Brand would be trying to hurt his fellow circus performers.

Unsurprisingly, given that this is a Scooby-Doo story, the “Deadman” in question is unmasked as an imposter pretending to be a ghost. However, the real Boston Brand is on the scene and thankful to have his good name cleared. He’s also gratified that his friends in the circus never doubted him for a moment and still believe in the legend of the heroic Deadman.

Nightwing’s Parents Still Watch Over Him

Nightwing and Scooby-Doo
(Image Source: DC / Dario Brizuela )

The final page of the comic reveals that Deadman is not the only ghostly protector in attendance. Dick Grayson’s parents are shown to still be watching over their son, even in death. While they didn’t have to step in to prevent his dying in a trapeze accident like they did, they were as ready as Boston Brand to do so if needed.

The Batman/Scooby-Doo Mysteries #1 is now available in comic shops everywhere.

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