Desert Permaculture In Namibia with Fabian Von Hase on The Sustainable Jungle Podcast #sustainablejungle

Podcast #26 · Fabian Von Hase · Desert Permaculture In Namibia

“What if we humans can live on this earth in a way that whatever we do actually contributes to the ecosystem, we build up the ecosystem instead of taking it down.”

Fabian von Hase

Fabian was born and bred in Southern Africa. He grew up on a farm in the Kalahari and has always been fascinated by nature and our impact on it as humans, especially when it comes to agriculture. He has studied extensively, covering Botany, Environmental and Geographical Science, Zoology, Agroecology and Permaculture. He now dedicates himself to educating others about the “thrive-ability” that permaculture design principles can offer and has some pretty incredible impact stories from working with rural communities in Namibia.

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We hung out with Fabian at his farmhouse outside of Windhoek Namibia and along with marveling over his incredibly sustainable off-grid lifestyle (think solar panels, parabolic stove, solar oven, french drains and veggie garden – in the DESERT!), we got to chatting about the following :

  • Fabian’s background and what it was like growing up on a farm in the Kalahari (~01:20)
  • Fabian’s studies on environmental themes and why he ended up focusing on very practical agro-ecology (~02:40)
  • How permaculture is  a holistic design system that can encompass everything we do (~06:35)
  • How permaculture links into other similar concepts like what is regenerative agriculture, agroforestry, conservation agriculture, natural farming and holistic management (~09:45)
  • What would be the major difference between a hypothetical permaculture farmer and typical industrial farmer? (~12:05)
  • The importance of building in resilience and using money as another form of energy instead of being dependent on it (~15:15)
  • Permaculture design principles, including core principles of no waste and circular systems, social and local impact (~18:35)
  • Creating habitats for local species within ecosystems as part of the permaculture design system (~23:20)
  • How permaculture could help a country like Namibia, where the conditions are particularly harsh (~27:05)
  • How applying permaculture thinking can help humanity solve some of our biggest problems and how to influence this change (~30:20)
  • Redesigning your life requires redesigning your underlying assumptions – what do you really want? (~32:15)
  • How to influence others to re-evaluate their underlying assumptions (~33:15)
  • What worries Fabian most about where we’re at as humanity (~34:15)
  • Fabian’s business, Eco Living Namibia (~35:35)
  • Fabian’s story of significant impact in a rural Namibian village (~39:00)
  • Fabian’s key recommendations for all of us to start taking responsibility (~45:00)
  • Resources and tips for embedding permaculture concepts into our lives (including specific ideas for our urban apartment balcony) (~47:15)

“What is important to me? Is it important to me to drive a huge car, to work a very stressful job which I don’t enjoy, is that what I want in my life? Or is there something else I want? Do I want healthy human relationships, a thriving social community where I feel held and safe, do I want a local economy where I support the elderly and the disabled? Do I want a healthy environment that provides good soil, nutritious food, clean air, clean water… I think most of us would answer the latter.”

Fabian von Hase

Notable Links

Eco Living Namibia:

Fabian von Hase:

Desert Permaculture In Namibia with Fabian Von Hase on The Sustainable Jungle Podcast #sustainablejungle

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