Bannerlord Creative Competition

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I submit an image?
You can share your images on Twitter, Facebook or Instagram. Just remember to tag our account and use the hashtag #BannerlordCreativeContest

Can I submit more than one image?
No. One person can only submit one creation. If we realize you have submitted more than one image this will not disqualify you but we will only take into account the first submission. More submissions will not increase your chances of winning.

Then what about work-in-progress?
We would love to see your WIP shots! Just remember to clarify that it is a work in progress when sharing. You can use the hashtags #WIP or #workinprogress.

Is there any limit in size or file format for the fan-art and screenshot contests?
No, as long as you can share it on social media!

Can I join more than one competition?
Sure, but you can only make 1 entry in each contest.

How will the winners be picked?
A panel of TaleWorlds developers will judge the entries and select the winners.

How will I know if I won and how will I receive my prize?
We will contact you through the social media account that you used to join the competition, so please make sure to use an account you frequently use. If you win, you will be asked about your personal information privately, so please allow private messages on your account during the contest.

Why do you ask for copyright over fan-art?
Just so we can share your works on our website. Other than that, you can use them for whatever you want, within the already existent legal limits.

Will I be able to see the winners and where?
The winners will be announced in our social media channels and on our official website shortly after the contests end on 26th February 2021, 23:59 UTC+3.

Where can I reach out if I have further questions?
You can reach us on our social media channels or forums.

2D Art Contest Prizes

1st Place - Intel® NUC 9 Extreme Kit:

  • Core i9 processor
  • RTX 2060 graphics
  • 516GB Storage
  • 16GB RAM

2nd Place - Intel® Core™ i7-8700K Processor
3rd Place - Mount & Blade II Custom Razer Gigantus V2 Large Mouse Pad


Screenshot Contest Prizes

10x Mount & Blade II Custom Razer Gigantus V2 Large Mouse Pad


General rules

  • Only 1 entry per category and participant (i.e. you can send 1 piece of fan-art and 1 screenshot, but not 2 pieces of art).
  • Entries will be accepted through the #BannerlordCreativeContest hashtag. Posts should look like the example below. Sharing the screenshots or fan-art on social media is fine, but it won’t be considered as an official entry.
  • Participants should be able to send proof of authorship if required.
  • It’s acceptable but not necessary to host your art on a different image hosting site and link to it. A copy of it should be attached to the social media post in any case.
  • The artwork or the screenshot should be made or taken for the contest. It cannot be a creation that was shared in its complete form beforehand.
  • Authors give TaleWorlds full copyrights to their works upon entering this contest.
  • We reserve the right to change or otherwise alter these rules at any time.


2D Art Contest specific rules

  • All 2D formats accepted (digital or traditional art, ink, painting, drawing, sketch, etc.)
  • No topic in particular, but it has to be relevant to Bannerlord, i.e. Calradia and/or its inhabitants and cultures (not the brand itself or the studio).
  • Sharing in-progress shots of your arts will not disqualify you from the event. If you want to share your progress on your social media or with our community, you can do so! Just remember to use the hashtags #WIP or #workinprogress


Screenshot Contest specific rules

  • Topic/Theme: Medieval War Reporter
  • Imagine you are an out-of-time photographer covering a war in Calradia. If you could bring back one single image to our time, what would it be?
  • Every screenshot should come with a title or caption.
  • You must use the native version of the game with no modifications installed.
  • Screenshots need to be at least in 1080p resolution.
  • You are not allowed to doctor or otherwise edit your screenshots.
  • It’s acceptable but not necessary to host your images on a different image hosting site and link to it. A copy of it should be attached to the social media post in any case.