Exhibition in focus: War Story; Imperial War Museum, London

In this timely exhibition, soldiers deployed to Afghanisation share their harrowing and humorous stories of life on the frontline.

War Story
Guardsman Terry Brazier, 1st Battalion Irish Guards. On patrol in the Nad' Ali area of Helmand, he narrowly escaped being shot by Taliban insurgents. Credit: Photo: IWM

In 2009, the Imperial War Museum launched War Story, an innovative project to record the experiences of men and women of the British armed forces serving in Afghanistan. An exhibition showcasing some of the material collected during that time has just opened at IWM London.

Our main objective for the display was to provide a balanced and insightful look at what it is like to serve in Afghanistan, from the perspective of the service personnel themselves.

IWM flag

This Union flag flew over the British base at Sangin until September 2010, when the area of operations was handed over to American forces. Image: IWM

We also wanted to open up the process by which the museum has been collecting material relating to this conflict. The War Story project has been a new and exciting venture for the IWM and we believe that visitors will be interested in how we have been preserving the history of this war and its participants.

The project and the display itself have been made possible by funding provided by Boeing Defence UK Ltd. and the support of the Ministry of Defence (MOD), who have given us unprecedented access to serving personnel. The MOD have also reviewed all the material on display for security issues to ensure that it would not compromise ongoing operations or risk the safety of serving personnel.

War Story

Trooper Byron Kirk of the Household Cavalry Regiment took this photograph of troops at a vehicle checkpoint in spring 2010. Image: IWM

The display takes the form of a free-standing structure which is set among the large permanent exhibits in the atrium. As space is limited we had to be selective in choosing content. Priority was given to material with a strong story that we could tell in the words of the person who had given it to us, reinforcing the sense that the individual experience is at the heart of this display. We also chose a diverse range of objects, from personal kit and specialist equipment to practical objects such as a handmade mug used in a small checkpoint. Some of our contributors were among the first British troops to serve in Helmand province in 2006. This meant that we could include material from these early deployments, such as shrapnel from a rocket attack on Sangin in 2006. But we also display material acquired as recently as this year.


Shrapnel from the Sangin attack. Three men were killed in the attack. Photo: IWM

Although any of the individual stories and objects would stand alone, we chose to group the material around broad themes reflecting the general experiences of those deployed. Starting with first impressions of Afghanistan, the display covers living conditions, keeping in touch with home, getting out on the ground and the experience of loss and remembrance.

Visitors can explore these themes in more depth by browsing galleries of photographs and videos submitted by service personnel and by listening to interviews in which they describe their experiences. Digital material will clearly form a key part of this conflict’s historical record, and we were determined to reflect the importance of digital media by fully integrating it within the display.

Commentary by Captain Doug Spencer, 40 Commando, Royal Marines. Credit: IWM

The London exhibition also includes an arresting series of photographic portraits of some of the participants in the War Story project. As the photographs were initially intended as an administrative record of the collecting process, our photographers adopted an approach intended to produce consistency and conformity. However, the resulting photographs instead highlight the variety and individualism of the subjects.

The primary aim of the display is to inform and engage our visitors and to accurately reflect the experiences of the service personnel who have served and continue to serve in Afghanistan. In addition to this, we hope that it will also encourage many more service personnel to get involved with the War Story project and work with us to ensure that every aspect of this conflict is recorded and preserved.

Sergeant Shimmins was on the roof of the Sangin District Centre when it was hit by a rocket fired by Taliban insurgents. Image: IWM

Quotes from War Story contributors

Captain Richard Crook, 3rd Battalion, The Parachute Regiment : "A lot of people don’t even know what really we are doing out there, what the purpose is, and it’s not our job to answer that one. They certainly don’t know what life’s actually like either for the Afghans or for us as soldiers operating out there."

Sergeant Danny Smith, 40 Commando Royal Marines: "I’m proud of what we did. I am proud of the lads we lost, proud of the guys that came back... it’s no good stored up, I like to talk about it, make people interested and maybe make them proud of us."

A soldier's parcel from home. Image: IWM

When: until Nov 30 2012
Where: Imperial War Museum, London, Lambeth Road, London SE1 6HZ
Tube: Lambeth North, Elephant & Castle
How much: free
