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Activate 2010 video

  • Activate 2010: Jan Chipchase

  • Activate 2010: Joe Cerrell

  • Activate 2010: Clay Shirky

  • Activate 2010: Desiree Miloshevic

  • Activate 2010: Nigel Shadbolt

    Nigel Shadbolt details the work and research undertaken in the Digital Economies programme supported by the Research Councils UK

  • Activate 2010: Paul Watson

    The lead on the Newcastle Uni digital economy hub on the power of technology to help people who are socially excluded

  • Activate 2010: Peter Edwards

    One of the directors of the dot.Rural digital economy hub on the role of provenance, trust and risk in the digital economy

  • Activate 2010: Derek McAuley

    The head of the digital economy hub at Nottingham Uni on the 'life-long contextual footprint'

  • Activate 2010: Rose Shuman

    The founder of Question Box discusses the profound impact of her social experiment on people living in rural areas of India and Uganda

  • Activate 2010: David Cavallo

    David Cavallo on the complications and challenges of global education systems and the power of technology to overcome obsolete solutions to key educational problems

    • Activate 2010: Andrew Dunnet

    • Activate 2010: David Craig

    • Activate 2010: Nick Moon

  • Activate 2010: Katrin Verclas

    Katrin Verclas of discusses how mobile devices are helping to improve government transparency in the developing world

  • Activate 2010: Gaurav Mishra

    The CEO of 2020 Social and Gauravonomics blogger explains how technology can help promote government transparency in the developing world

  • Activate 2010: Ethan Zuckerman

    Ethan Zuckerman, co-founder of Global Voices, discusses how citizens in the developing world can use data to improve communication with their government

  • Activate 2010: Future generations

    A new generation of digital champions take on the experts at the Activate 2010 Future Generations session

  • Activate 2010: Stephen King

    Omidyar Network's senior director Stephen King announces technology grants for Global Voices, MySociety and the XYZ Show

  • Activate 2010: Steven Clift

    Local matters. Civility matters. Inclusion matters. A statement of intent for community development from E-Democracy's Steven Clift

  • Activate 2010: Martha Lane Fox

    The UK's digital champion details her plans to open up the internet to some 12 million citizens

About 45 results for Activate 2010 video
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