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Crossing the line

10 Middle Eastern artists undertake a road trip across the US, exploring common concerns between the US and the Middle East. Made in collaboration with Culturunners

  • Standing Rock

    Saudi artist: Standing Rock protesters are warning us to save what we can – video

    Saudi Arabian artist Ahmed Mater joins protesters at Standing Rock to celebrate their victory
  • culturunners ep 4

    Saudi Arabian artists confront Islamophobia on US road trip – video

    As anti-Muslim feeling in the US is stoked by Donald Trump, a group of young Saudi Arabian artists travel from Texas to California
  • Mecca beyond the hajj

    Behind the hajj: Ahmed Mater's photographs of a Mecca in flux

    The hajj pilgrims descend on a city that is massively reshaping itself. Saudi artist Ahmed Mater captures the grittier side of the holy city – the migrant workers, the tireless construction and the eye-opening sprawl
  • The rapid rise of Mecca

    A prayer for Mecca: the city that many hajj pilgrims don't see – video

    As the hajj begins once again, Saudi artist Ahmed Mater has revealed unprecedented changes to the holy city – from flashy new hotels to the loss of priceless neighbourhoods
  • Sudanese cartoonist

    Sudanese artist on US road trip: 'The story of civil rights is unfinished' – video

    Sudanese political cartoonist Khalid Albaih explores the issue of race and politics
  • Khaled's Ladder screengrab

    'Can I jump?' Palestinian artist at Mexico/US border – video

    Palestinian artist Khaled Jarrar goes on a road trip along the Mexican border in an effort to examine the ideological boundaries between the US and the Middle East
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