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Australian budget 2018

December 2018

  • Prime Minister Scott Morrison during a residential care visit in Canberra.

    Coalition announces budget surplus and $553m spending on aged care

    Treasurer to forecast a surplus by 2020 ‘without increasing taxes and while providing essential services’

September 2018

  • Chairman of the Great Barrier Reef Foundation John Schubert during Tuesday’s Senate hearing into why the government granted a six-year funding stream to the small not-for-profit foundation.

    Reef foundation chair tells senators he had no idea Turnbull was going to offer $444m

    John Schubert appears before Senate inquiry into the grant awarded to his small non-profit without tender

August 2018

  • Stingray at Heron Island Great Barrier Reef

    Great Barrier Reef grant risked delaying action, government was warned

  • Anna Marsden

    Head of reef foundation says $444m grant was 'complete surprise'

  • The Coral Gardens near Lady Elliot Island, on the Great Barrier Reef.

    'A lot of transparency': Frydenberg defends $444m grant to small reef charity

  • Great Barrier Reef

    No environment officials at Turnbull meeting about $443m reef grant to tiny charity

June 2018

  • A variety of colourful objects

    The Crunch
    Tax cuts: a shopping trolley guide to what the changes mean for you

    Our calculator shows how much difference the tax cuts will actually make to your weekly budget
  • Derryn Hinch talks to Tim Storer in the Senate.

    Tim Storer asks crossbench colleagues to prioritise tax relief for lowest paid

    Key senator urges undecided Greens to join Labor and split bill to block costly cuts for high earners
  • Greg Jericho

    There's a new cultural war – and it's targeting progressive tax rates

    Greg Jericho
    The government’s income tax plan could fundamentally alter the way our society operates

May 2018

  • Scott Morrison

    Tax cuts to help women on lower incomes but 'taper effect' will trim gains

  • Amanda Meade

    The weekly beast
    Royal outrage as conservative chorus rounds on ABC

    Amanda Meade
  • Signage stands outside of the ABC building in Sydney on 7 March 2017.

    Only the support of the people can save the ABC now

    Emma Dawson
  • Greg Jericho

    Have you heard the one about the treasurer predicting wage growth?

    Greg Jericho
  • Wages growth stuck at 2.1%, putting Coalition forecast in doubt

  • The Guardian Essential report
    Economic management v fairness: this is the choice voters face

    Peter Lewis
  • The Guardian Essential report
    The Guardian Essential report, 15 May results

  • Budget wage growth forecast is 'heroic', says chair of business group

  • Genomics and nanotechnology to benefit from $393m research funding boost

  • Q&A recap: budget wage growth forecast is 'heroic', business group says

  • The Guardian Essential report
    Voters prefer 2018 budget to last year's but Labor still ahead – Guardian Essential poll

About 92 results for Australian budget 2018