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Australian election briefing

  • Malcolm Turnbull

    Campaign catchup: stop the interviews, let's just vote

    Both Malcolm Turnbull and Bill Shorten end up taking questions they’d rather not face on the last full day of a marathon election campaign
  • Malcolm Turnbull at the National Press Club in Canberra.

    Campaign catchup: Turnbull calls the dogs off

    After a campaign with its fair share of scare campaigns, not least from his own side, the prime minister urges an end to ‘juvenile theatrics’
  • A graffiti artist finishes a Yes campaign piece in central Dublin in Ireland before the referendum on same-sex marriage.

    Campaign catchup: Coalition ministers in knots over marriage equality

    Election 2016: When your pitch is stability, it’s probably best not to talk about the marriage equality plebiscite
  • Scott Morrison

    Campaign catchup: welfare cuts turn into magic pudding

    The treasurer, Scott Morrison, announces an extra $2.3bn in savings – almost all from welfare – which he says can be done purely by cutting red tape
  • PM Turnbull

    Campaign catchup: trash talk fires up independents

    Independents say Malcolm Turnbull is being ‘remarkably arrogant’ by telling voters not to take a chance with them, Labor and the Coalition clash over costings and the immigration department is under fire over alleged visa fraud
  • Brexit is on: the European Union and the Union flag sit together on bunting.

    Campaign catchup: Coalition and Labor seize on shock UK vote

    Election 2016: Brexit could be very scary for Australia – best vote Coalition. Or see it as sign of the importance of ‘inclusive growth’ – best vote Labor
  • Malcolm Turnbull

    Campaign catchup: Labor baits Coalition on Medicare

    Health spokeswoman warns vaccination of children could go private, while Malcolm Turnbull takes on Bill Shorten over the fire authority fight in Victoria
  • Scott Morrison says he has been the victim of ‘dreadful hate speech and bigotry’ for his religious views.

    Campaign catchup: ScoMo suffers for his views

    Treasurer says he has been the victim of ‘dreadful hate and bigotry’ over his stance on marriage equality. And the row over boat turnbacks gets even dafter
  • Australian Federal Treasurer Scott Morrison visits Tyro Fintech Hub in the federal seat of Sydney, in Sydney, Friday, June 17, 2016. (AAP Image/Joel Carrett) NO ARCHIVING

    Campaign catchup: negative gearing sends Morrison into overdrive

    The most contested two words of the campaign come back into the spotlight with the treasurer seizing on modelling that claims investors would lose out
  • Malcolm Turnbull

    Campaign catchup: sorting the real from the fake

    Election 2016: the two major parties squabble over Medicare, while the Coalition’s hilarious tradie ad lifts the mood of the nation
  • Minister Malcolm

    Campaign catchup: Turnbull's dinner party dilemma

    Election 2016: the PM’s dinner invitation for Sheikh Shady Alsuleiman, whose past homophobic comments were brought to light, leads to awkward questions. Meanwhile, Turnbull and Bill Shorten prepare for first Facebook debate on Friday night
  • Bob Katter

    Campaign catchup: Bob Katter out of the loop

    Election 2016: the independent MP insists he pays no attention to the media, as intrigue swirls on donations and Labor vows to support Whyalla
  • Bill Shorten speaking in Perth on Wednesday.

    Campaign catchup: Labor tears into broadband boss

    Election 2016: Australia’s National Broadband Network dominates the day, thanks to a breach of caretaker conventions by its chairman, Ziggy Switkowski
  • Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull (left) and Australian Foreign Minister Julie Bishop arrive for a press conference after attending a youth employment forum in Perth, Tuesday, June 14, 2016. Mr Turnbull is today campaigning in Western Australia. (AAP Image/Lukas Coch) NO ARCHIVING

    Campaign catchup: Turnbull rebukes Shorten over treaty

    PM says opposition leader should be more focused on constitutional recognition as the Coalition sinks Labor’s proposal for greater transparency on Australia’s offshore detention centres
  • Malcolm Turnbull steadies Lucy Turnbull aboard a boat with the environment minister, Greg Hunt, and the member for Herbert, Ewen Jones, during a brief trip to Magnetic Island off Townsville on Monday morning

    Campaign catchup: Turnbull corrals $1bn for coral

    Election 2016: Coalition pledges to protect reef from everything except climate change, perhaps because #allreefsmatter, while Labor is banking on the importance of streaming speeds
  • Tony Burke, Chris Bowen and Bill Shorten

    Campaign catchup: return of the 'zombies' spoils Labor's big picture

    Election 2016: Opposition takes flak from both sides by announcing support for cuts including some measures in Tony Abbott’s first budget
  • Julie Bishop with members of various sports clubs during a visit and funding announcement at Penshurst Park in Sydney.

    Campaign catchup: flood tours and budget storms

    Election 2016: Malcolm Turnbull and Bill Shorten visit Tasmania while Julie Bishop a defends a Liberal party donor arrangement
  • Shadow treasurer Chris Bowen launches Labor’s 10-year economic plan at a media conference in Queensland.

    Campaign catchup: Labor joins race to budget surplus

    Election 2016: Bill Shorten and Chris Bowen release Labor’s 10-year economic plan, the Greens reveal their preferences and Morrison tries out a zinger
  • Opposition leader Bill Shorten visits the storm-damaged Coogee surf life saving club on Tuesday.

    Campaign catchup: Turnbull likes idea of Facebook debate

    Election 2016: leaders halt hostilities to visit flood-hit New South Wales, Howard lays it on Xenophon in Mayo, and the next leaders’ debate looks set to be streamed on Facebook
  • Bill Shorten addresses the Returned Services League centenary conference in Melbourne.

    Campaign catchup: Labor digs in on childcare

    Election 2016: Bill Shorten bats off reporters’ questions on the affordability of Labor’s $3bn childcare policy, both sides enjoys a rare moment of unity at the RSL’s 100th anniversary and Nick Xenophon talks down the prospect of holding the balance of power
About 41 results for Australian election briefing