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Daniel Humphry: 'There's no way we'd have grown to the size we have without the comic community'

This article is more than 11 years old
The founder of OFF LIFE, a free bi-monthly comic anthology, explains why independence is the key to its success

OFF LIFE was recommended by author James Lloyd. Scroll down to recommend your own favourite self-published books

Tell us a bit about OFF LIFE?

OFF LIFE is the UK's only street press comic. We collect short comics from some of today's best creators and compile them in a bi-monthly anthology that's distributed free-to-read in bars, galleries and online. Our goal is to show people that comics aren't all superheroes and sci-fi, and ultimately to try and get more people reading all the great, unsung work.

Why did you choose to self-publish?

For what we're trying to do, the magazine has to be free. We couldn't really claim that we're trying to reach people who don't already read comics, and then go selling in comics shops or the comics section of WH Smith. Self-publishing meant we could keep OFF LIFE free and distribute wherever we like. To be honest, it's not like anybody has banged down our door asking to publish OFF LIFE so it's not like we had a big choice to make.

What are the positives of self-publishing?

Well for one we keep 100% creative control. We've free rein when it comes to which artists we feature or interview, and aren't beholden to any commitments or contracts that any one publisher may have with another. We're also free to do things like spin-off live drawing events and our Thursday night #QuickDraw on Twitter, without having to get anyone's blessing.

And the negatives?

Well it would be nice to have the weight of a major publisher behind us when negotiating ad rates or expanding our print run to another city, but to us none of that is worth losing creative control.

OFF LIFE Naked. Illustration: Ana Galvan

What is it like working with a range of writers and graphic artists?

It's been amazing. There's no way we'd have grown to the size we have without the comic community really getting behind us and embracing us as one of their own. Compared to some other creative industries we've worked in, comic artists are super-friendly and very open to collaboration.

Does the publication have a single editor or designer, and why is this is important?

It does. It means there are only a few of us who run the whole thing so it's very time-consuming but it also means we always know where we're at. Hopefully it means that our tone and editorial policy is constant and that our readers know what to expect from us. It all comes back to creative control really.

Can you talk us through how you're publishing and promoting OFF LIFE?

Well as OFF LIFE is submissions-based it's a case of setting an issue deadline for artists, then just making sure that enough people hear about it and submit. Promotion of OFF LIFE is all press and social media-based - so publications like Design Week, It's Nice That and Forbidden Planet among others have been really kind in helping us spread the word. Our Twitter following of has grown into a really nice, chatty community too, so that helps. I wish we had the money for big marketing campaigns- just to get more eyeballs on the incredible artists we feature - but as we're a free magazine it's not realistic at the moment

Off LIFE cover
Off LIFE cover. Photograph: OFF LIFE

What other self-published titles would you recommend?

There seems to be a real boom right now, not least out of Bristol where half of us are based. Boneshaker is a really interesting take on the cycling community that's very design friendly while Loaf is a great little magazine for kids. I think one publication that's doing something quite different is Pickles. It's a football magazine, but full of really thoughtful articles and stunning design pieces – and it's completely free. I think it's pretty special but must confess that I sporadically contribute articles for them - so I could be bias.

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