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Adrian Mitchell

September 2015

  • Roland Rees

    Roland Rees obituary

    Leading director in fringe and touring theatre who co-founded the stage company Foco Novo, which presented groundbreaking work in the 70s and 80s

October 2012

  • Revellers

    From the Guardian archive
    From the archive, 12 October 1967: Permissive society is first step in freedom struggle

    Originally published in the Guardian on 12 October 1967:
    The permissive society is only a stage in the real, long, bloody struggle for freedom.

January 2009

  • Adrian Mitchell

    Books blog
    Was Adrian Mitchell right about why people ignore poetry?

  • Letters: Adrian Mitchell

December 2008

  • Adrian Mitchell

  • Adrian Mitchell

    Books blog
    Adrian Mitchell – a poet who made things happen

  • Where have all the poems gone?

    Tim Footman
  • Tell Me Lies About Vietnam by Adrian Mitchell

  • An inspiring poet

    Michael Rosen
  • Adrian Mitchell obituary

October 2005

  • Poem about being human chosen for alien contact

    Adrian Mitchell's poem Human Beings has been voted the poem that most people would like to see launched into space

March 2000

  • Alex Comfort

    The poems of Alex Comfort (Obituary, March 28) have been almost ignored by critics and anthologists. Clarity was the problem. His anti-war poems spoke straight out, but the literary fashion was ambiguity. All were calls to action - love, disobedience, kindness, pacifism and anarchism. Far too challenging.
