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Alan Greenspan

November 2018

  • Larry Elliott

    Economics viewpoint
    Despite rapid growth in wages, Trump should be concerned

    Larry Elliott
    This is as good as it gets for the president’s first term – labour shortages will fuel interest rates

November 2016

  • Bernake testifies on federal bailout plan on Capitol Hill<br>US Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke appears at a Joint Economic Committee hearing on the federal economic bailout plan, on Capitol Hill in Washington, DC, USA on 24 September 2008. The Bush administration is pushing the Congress to pass a 700 billion dollar government bailout plan to rescue financial institutions.  EPA/SHAWN THEW

    The Audio Long Read
    The cult of the expert and how it collapsed - podcast

    Led by a class of omnipotent central bankers, experts have gained extraordinary political power. Will a populist backlash shatter their technocratic dream?

October 2016

  • Chairman of the Federal Reserve Alan Greenspan testifies in House Committee<br>Chairman of the Federal Reserve Alan Greenspan listens to a question while testifying before the U.S. House Financial Services Committee on Capitol Hill, February 17, 2005. Greenspan presented to Congress the Monetary Policy Report.   REUTERS/Larry Downing

    The long read
    The cult of the expert – and how it collapsed

    The Long Read: Led by a class of omnipotent central bankers, experts have gained extraordinary political power. Will a populist backlash shatter their technocratic dream?

June 2016

  • Cartoon of Brexit campaigners going over a cliff watched by spectators including Alan Greenspan

    Business leader
    Our leap into the unknown threatens both Europe and the world economy

    Alan Greenspan is not known for his pessimism about capitalism. But even the bullish former Fed chair recognises Brexit as a major threat

February 2015

  • Leftwing Syriza voters celebrate victory

    Alan Greenspan says Greece will have to leave eurozone

    Only a matter of time until Syriza government is forced from euro, predicts ex-Fed chief as UK chancellor drafts plans for Grexit fallout

October 2013

  • Alan Greenspan

    Alan Greenspan owes America an apology

    Dean Baker

    Dean Baker: The former Fed chair is promoting his new book. He should admit his role in the housing crisis, not insult our intelligence

June 2013

  • Alan Greenspan

    Recession culprits? Start with Alan Greenspan and Jean-Claude Trichet

    Dean Baker

    Dean Baker: The US Federal Reserve and European Central Bank heads played large roles in the crisis, yet they collect public pensions

March 2013

  • Heidi Moore

    Heidi Moore column
    Ben Bernanke: the Federal Reserve's self-effacing champion of regulation

    Heidi Moore

    Heidi Moore: The Fed chairman's press conference proved quietly historic as Bernanke aligned his legacy with the cause of banking reform

October 2012

  • Robert Peston in London

    How Do We Fix This Mess? by Robert Peston and Laurence Knight – review

    Robert Peston's compelling account of global financial meltdown is essential reading, writes Peter Preston

August 2012

  • Ayn Rand

    Paul Ryan 'grew up on Ayn Rand'

    Romney's running mate, along with Rush Limbaugh and Alan Greenspan, lapped up the works of the controversial writer

March 2012

  • George Monbiot

    How Ayn Rand became the new right's version of Marx

    George Monbiot

    George Monbiot: Her psychopathic ideas made billionaires feel like victims and turned millions of followers into their doormats

February 2012


    Who to blame for the Great Recession? So many big names are in the frame

    Fred Goodwin lost his knighthood but the global financial crisis was not all his fault – and the list of those who erred is long

January 2012

  • Alan Greenspan

    Alan Greenspan's ship of fools

    Dean Baker

    Dean Baker: The Fed's FOMC is supposed to steer the US economy to prosperity. As we now see, it was completely rudderless in 2006

November 2011

  • Larry Elliott, economics editor

    Economics viewpoint
    Cannes showed how power has shifted to Beijing

    Larry Elliott, economics editor

    The G20 summit proved that China has overtaken the west – and acquired some of its problems on the way

October 2011

  • Nick Cohen

    Welcome to Britain, a haven for tax dodgers

    Nick Cohen

    Nick Cohen: The HM Revenue & Customs chief seems to think it's OK for financial big boys to skip paying their dues

September 2011

  • Alan Greenspan

    Lehman Brothers: three years of denial

    Dean Baker

    Dean Baker: Lehmans crashed for a simple reason: an ignored $8tn housing bubble. But don't expect the Greenspan sycophants to admit it

February 2011

  • Alan Greenspan

    Alan Greenspan: feted for failure

    Dean Baker

    Dean Baker: Alan Greenspan was at the wheel, apparently asleep, when the US economy drove off a cliff. Why on earth is he still lionised?

January 2011

  • Alan Greenspan

    Financial crisis was 'avoidable', says official US report

    Bankers, regulators, government, homeowners all to blame for credit crunch, says Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission

November 2010

  • Nils Pratley

    Viewpoint column
    Why Greenspan was dumb to talk of weakening the dollar

    Nils Pratley
    Alan Greenspan's remarks made the chances of a global trade deal at the G20 even more remote

September 2010

  • Alan Greenspan

    Open thread
    Taxes: to cut or to hike?

    Open thread: While Washington debates who should get tax cuts, former Fed chief Alan Greenspan says taxes should rise to repay the deficit

About 68 results for Alan Greenspan