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Alfred McAlpine

December 2007

  • A digger on a building site

    Alfred McAlpine agrees reduced takeover offer

    The support services company that maintains all Sainsbury's stores accepts a £572m takeover offer from Carillion - one month after accepting a higher bid

April 2007

  • Police called in to investigate fraud at Alfred McAlpine slate quarries

    · Irregularities stretch back six years, company says
    · Managing director fired; others also face action

February 2007

  • McAlpine hit by accounting black hole at Welsh slate quarry

    Alfred McAlpine, the construction group, will suffer a £13m hit to profits after the discovery of serious accounting irregularities and possible fraud at its Slate business, based at the Penrhyn quarry in north Wales.

December 2006

  • Market forces
    Green holiday homes refresh McAlpine

    A contract to build an eco-friendly Welsh holiday village helped construction group Alfred McAlpine scale new heights and lead the FTSE 250 gainers' board yesterday.

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