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The big six energy firms

  • Centrica owns British Gas.

    Bonuses and executive pay at Big Six UK energy firms under fire

  • A kiln firing china in Stoke-on-Trent

    Industry stymied by energy firms' demands for upfront payments

  • Caroline Lucas

    Energy companies have lent more than 50 staff to government departments

    Oil and nuclear industries' presence throughout Whitehall exposed by Green MP, who warns of undue influence on policy

  • Green technologies for Orkney :  Nordex N80 wind turbines on Orkney

    UK green energy projects fall by wayside in dash for gas

    Number of new wind turbines built this year is down by half on last year and the pipeline of new projects has stagnated


    Big six energy firms face fresh accusations of profiteering

    Household electricity bills have soared beyond wholesale cost fluctuations – adding to pressure for competition inquiry

  • Julian Rutter, a victim of fuel poverty

    Fuel poverty forcing many to live a life of candlelight, cold and early nights

  • A pensioner warms hands on electric fire

    Fuel poverty affects a quarter of UK's households as bills soar and pay freezes
