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A world of illustration

Celebrating illustrated children's books from around the world
  • mihalskaya 02 nutcracker russia

    Nutcrackers and Alice in Wonderland: Russian illustrated children's books – in pictures

    Karina Karmenian takes us on a tour of contemporary Russian children’s books illustrators, after setting the scene with the radical foundations in the 1920s
  • sebastian oprita - mi piace

    Romanian children's books illustration – in pictures

    As part of the World of Illustration series, we head to Romania and Moldova to meet goats, princesses and cats – plus eat bread with dew
  • Mr Chicken

    'A love and feel for place': Australian illustrated children's books – in pictures

    The new Australian children’s laureate Leigh Hobbs takes us on a fascinating tour of the best in Australian illustration, from the heartbreaking Shaun Tan to explorations of Indigenous dreamtime and back to his very own and very yellow Mr Chicken’s crazed love affair with London
  • Lola the Wolf

    Disability inclusive books that should be available in English – in pictures

    This gallery showcases some of the wonderful diverse books about loads of different kinds of disabilities being published in other countries. We would love to see them on our bookshelves and hope we’ll be able to do that one day
  • the-little-black-fish-35

    The Little Black Fish and other stories: Iranian illustrated children's books – in pictures

    David Almond introduces a gallery that opens doors into the stunning illustrated children’s books coming out of Iran including The Little Black Fish, a book that is beloved in Iran and now published in the UK for the first time
  • Lion

    The best British children's illustrators in the Bratislava awards – in pictures

    Illustrator Piet Grobler introduces the 15 artists which have been chosen to represent the UK in one of the most famous children’s books illustration awards in the world: the Biennial of Illustrations Bratislava (or BIB for short) 2015. The UK have won only once, in 1995
  • My Grandpa the Wrestler

    Wrestlers in cars and elephants on wheels: Mexican illustrated children's books – in pictures

    In the first of our new A world of illustration series, we share a selection of illustrations from Mexican children’s books – and celebrate this year’s Mexican focus at the London Book Fair