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Cities on Instagram

  • Electrified signs with their bold colours and cartoon-like graphics were designed to grab the attention of drivers.

    Flickering out: fans fight to preserve the last vintage electrified signs

    Enthusiasts are pushing to have classic 20th century roadside signs across the US recognised as valuable parts of urban architectural history
  • Urban tree sculptor Andrea Gandini at work .

    Faces for fallen trees: the man behind Rome's tree stump sculptures

    Cities on Instagram: Andrea Gandini is breathing new life into the ancient city’s many decapitated tree trunks
  • Feet on ornate floor.

    What lies beneath: the craze for 'selfeets' of eye-catching floors

    Cities on Instagram: Hundreds of thousands of people have shared striking floor designs – sometimes from unusual places
  • @Masaunti and his wife in matching clothes in Harajuku, Tokyo

    'We think it's cute': the Tokyo husband and wife who match outfits

    Cities on Instagram: ‘I don’t think I have to wear plain clothes just because I’m an adult’ says @masaunti
  • This facade in Wavertree is believed to be Liverpool’s last surviving example of a bow-windowed shop front.

    Lost Liverpool: the race to record the city's disappearing shop fronts

    As regeneration threatens small independent shops, an Instagram project aims to document them before they are gone forever
  • If you fall asleep on the subway - you might be in for a monstrous surprise when you wake up.

    Monstrous commute: The furry blue beasts taking over New York's subway

    Instagrammer Subway Doodle inserts blue furry monsters into everyday New York City scenes
  • A catcall chalked on the ground in Leake Street tunnel.

    ‘It’s not just a wolf whistle’: how catcalls became anti-harassment street art

    With teenage girls a particular target of street harassment, Farah Benis is on a mission to document incidents and raise awareness
  • Hong Kong staircase

    City of stairs: the interconnecting walkways of Hong Kong

    Hans Leo Maes captures the bridges and stairways that link up the hilly, population-dense city
  • Facade by Mr June for the Urban Nation One Wall project in Berlin, September 2018.

    Joy of six: the buildings transformed by 3D hexagon murals

    Street artist Mr June brings facades around the world to life with his abstract, colourful designs
  • The doors of New York.

    'Each one has a story': the mundane beauty of NYC's doors

    Instagrammer Jonathan shares his obsession with the city’s doors, from the grand to the graffiti-ridden
  • Aretha Franklin in pothole art.

    Street art: the mosaic maker who turns potholes into pictures

    Jim Bachor beautifies the world’s streets with colourful designs ranging from chickens to Aretha Franklin
  • Melted tourist near the Guggenheim in Bilbao, Spain, by Isaac Cordal.

    City life in miniature: the tiny cement sculptures hidden across Europe

    Isaac Cordal’s 15cm sculptures, part of his project Cement Eclipses, are a social commentary on the spaces they inhabit
  • On Instagram, Christopher Moloney show us where cinema and the city meet. A writer and cinephile, he juxtaposes scenes from classic films with the places as they exist today. When Harry Met Sally (1989), for cities only

    'The location is a character': where cinema meets the city

    Writer and movie buff Christopher Moloney juxtaposes classic film scenes with their locations as they are today
  • Sharon, homeless people's project instagram

    'I'm just trying to survive, like you': the people living on London's streets

    A photography project is helping to give the capital’s homeless population a voice
  • Moscow's Zaryadye Park

    Snapping point: how the world’s leading architects fell under the Instagram spell

    The desire to share on Instagram is inspiring exciting new buildings around the world, but are these spectacular selfie sets what cities really need?
  • An image of Tokyo from Cody Ellingham's Derive series

    'I felt like I had seen the future': capturing east Asian megacities

    Architectural photographer Cody Ellingham takes to the streets of Tokyo and Shanghai to reveal secrets old and new
  • Notes to Strangers poster

    'It became a form of therapy': the Londoner who writes #NotestoStrangers

    Andy Leek used to deal with his punishing worklife by hiding messages for fellow commuters – now it’s his livelihood
  • Processed with VSCOcam with c3 preset

    #weloveatl: how Instagram fell in love with Atlanta – in pictures

    A hashtag that started as a way of promoting local photographers has become a movement of love for the city, with over a million posts
  • Martello Street sign

    'Hiding in plain sight': How London street signs reveal more than just names

    Graphic designer Alistair Hall uses Instagram to highlight the city’s significant nameplates
  • Composite of manhole covers from with permission

    Manhole covers: a window into a city’s soul – in pictures

    As Calgary begins phasing in a new series of artist-designed manhole covers, here are some of the best from around the world
About 63 results for Cities on Instagram
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