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November 2009

  • Concrete plans

    Concrete plans

    Following a pilot scheme targeting the aggregates industry, among others, a clean tech programme is now being rolled out to bring innovative low-carbon technologies and energy-saving measures to other sectors of UK industry

October 2009

  • Waves of investment

    Waves of investment

    The UK has the best renewable resources in Europe, with potential to generate billions for the economy, which is why the Carbon Trust continues to fund exciting renewable
    energy technology

  • Grow your own energy

    Grow your own energy

    Some countries generate as much as 40% of energy for heating through biomass fuels but it's less than 1% in
    the UK – reason enough to predict a huge role for biomass in helping meet the UK's renewable energy goals

  • Low-carbon licence

    Low-carbon licence

    Increasing energy efficiency and reducing carbon emissions in the field of transport is one of the Carbon Trust's primary goals. With substantial support and funding from the trust, emerging companies are being given the change to find innovative solutions

September 2009

  • Building a better future

    Building a better future

    Since its launch in 2001, the government-backed Carbon Trust has been helping transform many public sector buildings from energy-hungry, costly old edifices into modern, energy-efficient, low-carbon business centres fit for the 21st century

August 2009

  • Blue sky thinking

    Blue skies thinking

    Of course climate change is a huge challenge, but it also presents an opportunity for industry to develop innovative technologies, for the job market in the sector to grow, and for Britain to become a world leader in the low-carbon economy

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