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A woman's place

This year marks 90 years since women in the UK won the vote and 80 years since they gained electoral parity (a voting age of 21) with men. Comment is free, in association with Women in Journalism, looks at how far women have moved into all aspects of the public sphere, all over the world, in the decades since women’s suffrage.
  • A woman's place
    Making feminism mainstream

    Rowenna Davis
  • A woman's place
    Anger management for women

    Clare Longrigg
  • A woman's place
    We owe them the vote

    June Purvis
  • Diane Abbott

    A woman's place
    A race against time

    Diane Abbott
  • Tahmima Anam

    A woman's place
    Tackling poverty is key to gender equality

    Tahmima Anam

    Tahmima Anam: A woman's place: From the start, the women's movement in Bangladesh has been geared to development, not suffrage

  • A woman's place
    The feminisation of crisis celebrity

    Diane Negra

    Diane Negra: A woman's place: The story of the wayward female celebrity preoccupies us because she helps to define a bigger set of dilemmas about women's roles in public life

  • A woman's place
    A woman's place

    Ninety years after British women won the right to vote, the Guardian website Comment is free is running a week-long debate asking: how far have we come?

  • Suzanne Goldenberg

    A woman's place
    What Hillary has done for women in politics

    Suzanne Goldenberg

    Suzanne Goldenberg: A woman's place: She may have lost the nomination, but Hillary Clinton has brought women to the political stage as never before

  • A woman's place
    No more double takes

    Jackie Ashley

    Jackie Ashley: A woman's place: While the number of women in politics could be higher, it is at last normal to see them at the centre of power

  • A woman's place
    Gender stereotypes hurt men too

    Dave Hill

    Dave Hill: A woman's place: The best and wisest feminist ideals have things to offer both men and women

  • A woman's place
    Where are the women in British politics?

    Lesley Abdela
  • A woman's place
    From the ballot box to the blogosphere

    Cath Elliott