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After capitalism

After Capitalism is a collaboration between Comment is Free and the BA graphic design moving image course at Central Saint Martins, University of the Arts. Students on the course have animated six written pieces imaging a world after capitalism. The work is part of their degree

  • After capitalism: 'We will return to the art of discourse' - video

    Writer and broadcaster Darcus Howe imagines a new political vernacular accessible to all. Animation by Alexandre Do and Tezo Kyungdon Lee

  • After capitalism: 'It is irrational to be obsessed with GDP' - video

    Economist Jayati Ghosh has seven dreams for an ideal society, which would root out inequality but preserve cultural differences. Animation by students Thomas Shannon, Will Hazell and Kateryna Kyslitska

  • After capitalism: 'We deserve a political and economic system that redistributes both wealth and the decisions about how it is used' - video

    Columnist George Monbiot argues that a world after capitalism is not a communist state but an advanced form of social democracy. Animation by Yann Ponns, Alban Connell, Moet Suzuki and Mohamed Ali

  • After capitalism: 'There is no reason to wait for revolution. It is here already in each of us' - video

    Author Rebecca Walker outlines a utopian vision of a world after capitalism. Her words are animated by students John Christian Ferner Apalnes and Jo Baaklini

  • After capitalism: 'Transform money and credit into instruments that serve people' - video

    Economics professor Costas Lapavitsas argues that a world after capitalism would see money and credit move from being instruments that reinforce inequality into being tools for genuine public service

  • After Capitalism: 'In the anti-worlds of daily struggles the world beyond capitalism is to be found' - video

    Marxist sociologist John Holloway argues that a world after capitalism is already being imagined in struggles around the world. Students from Central Saint Martins college provide an animated accompaniment
