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After Paris

Following the COP21 climate change agreement, how do we turn the rhetoric into reality?
  • Australia’s energy and emissions reduction minister Angus Taylor speaks at the COP25 UN climate talks in Madrid.

    Fact checking Angus Taylor: does Australia have a climate change record to be proud of?

    On a day of extraordinary bushfires the energy minister argued that the country has ‘strong targets, clear plans and an enviable track record’ on reducing emissions. Is he right?
  • David Cameron delivers a speech to the Paris climate change conference. His government’s policies fly counter to the agreement reached in Paris.

    Osborne is sabotaging the green energy we need to hit Paris targets

    Jeremy Leggett
    Lowering the global warming ceiling means the world can burn only a fraction of existing fossil fuel reserves. But the chancellor is still supporting oil and gas
  • Workers installing solar electric panels on a house roof in Ambleside, UK

    Why I tried to install solar panels on George Osborne’s roof

    Josie Long
  • Susanna Rustin

    Go green. Even if it makes you feel a pious twit

    Susanna Rustin
  • Craig Bennett

    Cameron must make a climate U-turn immediately if he isn’t to betray Paris

    Craig Bennett
    The prime minister hit the right notes with his speech at the climate change summit. But that message is at odds with his government’s policies