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Ana Marie Cox column

A weekly column on US politics … and whatever from Ana Marie Cox. Follow her on Twitter: @anamariecox
  • Ana Marie Cox

    Politicians: they're not like us. But some folks sure like to eat photo-op corn dogs

    Ana Marie Cox
    Ana Marie Cox: Rick Perry’s ‘awesome’ adventure. Rand Paul’s Hamptons weekend. Which classist lie will you believe this summer?
  • Ana Marie Cox

    5 things the US can actually do instead of complaining about the new Iraq war

    Ana Marie Cox
    Ana Marie Cox: The price of constant war is constant investigation. The American strikes are happening – now let’s hold Obama and his military accountable
  • Ana Marie Cox

    We don't know how to throw the bums out of Congress, so they keep winning

    Ana Marie Cox
    Ana Marie Cox: Lamar Alexander is not alone – 2014 is the year incumbents can’t lose, and that says more about American despair than Tea Party rage
  • Ana Marie Cox

    Will the green goop in Toledo's water be the end of GOP anti-environmentalism?

    Ana Marie Cox
    Ana Marie Cox: Maybe ... but Republicans first have to acknowledge that there’s a problem to be solved
  • Ana Marie Cox

    Obama's plan to get out the vote by mocking the GOP totally works … on Republican voters, not Democrats

    Ana Marie Cox
    Ana Marie Cox: But if the goal of his second term was broad, lasting policy changes, it’s disappointing to everyone except liberal fundraisers
  • Ana Marie Cox

    The problem with the Koch brothers isn't their politics. It's their copycats

    Ana Marie Cox
    Ana Marie Cox: Billionaire mega-donors care less about funding parties than enacting policies. Others are following suit
  • Ana Marie Cox

    Paul Ryan has a big plan to end poverty. It just doesn't include help for women

    Ana Marie Cox
    Ana Marie Cox: Can you have a serious discussion about ending poverty without mentioning women? The Republicans' big thinker is going to try
  • Ana Marie Cox

    The GOP's real shame on the border: ignoring an industry that makes billions off immigrants to give to politicians

    Ana Marie Cox
    Ana Marie Cox: Private prisons have taken up immigration as a profit center, based on assembly-line 'justice' of the Bush era – and kept alive by Republican presidential contenders who look the other way
  • Ana Marie Cox

    Voter ID's last stand: let's finally declare laws what they are – racist on purpose

    Ana Marie Cox
    Ana Marie Cox: How is a concealed-carry gun permit OK to get in the voting booth, but an elderly woman's Medicare card is not? Liberals have argued. Now it's time for a verdict
  • Ana Marie Cox

    The GOP self-destruction is complete: millennials officially hate conservatives

    Ana Marie Cox
    Ana Marie Cox: The backlash machine has finally backfired with a generation that cringes at old people yelling at gay clouds
  • Ana Marie Cox

    Rick Perry just might be the lunatic the GOP is looking for in 2016

    Ana Marie Cox
    Ana Marie Cox: Republicans need a candidate who can do a quick two-step on immigration. Who better than a Texan?
  • Ana Marie Cox

    The real reason gun control is failing

    Ana Marie Cox
    Ana Marie Cox: Americans are still OK with guns, and until we can change that, Michael Bloomberg's millions won't mean a thing
  • Ana Marie Cox

    The GOP wants the ladies to love them (just not enough to need birth control)

    Ana Marie Cox
    Ana Marie Cox: Don Draper's psyche is nothing to base a political strategy on
  • Ana Marie Cox

    Colorado's primary: a GOP addicted to crazy can't paint it red in November

    Ana Marie Cox
    Ana Marie Cox: The legend of Tom Tancredo will not continue. But is this really a state turning purple, or one turning blue so fast it just looks moderate?
  • Ana Marie Cox

    Hillary Clinton's income inequality problem starts with her own income

    Ana Marie Cox
    Ana Marie Cox: She is truly well off, and she is a truly terrible class warrior. And in the 2016 election, that's a true flaw
  • Ana Marie Cox

    The NRA has become self-aware. Will a rational US gun lobby finally prevail?

    Ana Marie Cox
    Ana Marie Cox: It took assault rifles at Chipotle, but bad PR may be the fault line to fracture the sane and un-sane, eventually giving America the kind of moderate pro-gun group it needs
  • Ana Marie Cox

    Obama's Iraq 'nap' represents who we are: sick of being the world's policeman

    Ana Marie Cox
    Ana Marie Cox: Critics of a foreign policy of 'neglect' are still living in George W Bush's fever dream of rage and fear. The public is fickle, but we're willing to be patient about war again
  • Ana Marie Cox

    Congratulations, David Brat: your win over Eric Cantor is totally meaningless

    Ana Marie Cox
    Ana Marie Cox: Beating a House majority leader for the first time doesn't mean DC needs to hail the conquering Tea Party hero
  • Ana Marie Cox

    Don't fear the Koch brothers. Fear an election that caters only to billionaires

    Ana Marie Cox
    Ana Marie Cox: Forget right or left. Dark money in politics means you'll never know which 'independent' candidate's views were on the market
  • Ana Marie Cox

    Ted Cruz's Tea Party allegiance only makes the case for Rand Paul stronger

    Ana Marie Cox
    Ana Marie Cox: There are two men who look like they can take down Hillary Clinton, and the growing power of libertarianism is not to be underestimated
About 302 results for Ana Marie Cox column