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Another thought for the day

A series of podcasts offering a secular alternative to the BBC Today programme's Thought for the Day, in association with the Humanist Society of Scotland

  • Polly Toynbee

    Foreign workers are the wrong target

    Polly Toynbee: Another Thought for the Day Instead of blaming job losses on immigrants, anger should be directed at people who are doing well, but who refuse to share

  • The paradox of dementia

    Julian Baggini: Another Thought for the Day: When someone's mind has been lost to Alzheimer's but their body remains, we find it hard to make sense of what is left behind

  • Maryam Namazie

    Some of us had to flee to escape sharia

    Maryam Namazie: Another Thought for the Day: Contrary to claims that it promotes social cohesion and minority rights, sharia law denies universal principles of equality

  • Dutch far-right MP Geert Wilders.

    Offensive views can energise us

    Nigel Warburton: Another Thought for the Day: The Home Office's decision to refuse Geert Wilders entry to the UK was unintentionally good for democracy

  • Ariane Sherine poses beside the atheist bus

    A thought for those living under repressive regimes

    Ariane Sherine: Another Thought for the Day: We are lucky to live in a country that values freedom of expression – there are many who don't

  • Richard Holloway

    Failure is our best teacher

    Richard Holloway: Another Thought for the Day: Sadly, there is something about public life that seems to make it difficult for people to be honest about their mistakes

  • We should listen to the children

    Jonathan Bartley: Another Thought for the Day: Young people can make valuable contributions to national debates – it's time to make our institutions age-inclusive

  • Claire Rayner

    We face a depression created by greed

    Claire Rayner: Another Thought for the Day: The current financial crisis stems from Thatcher's deregulation of markets in the 1980s. Greed has got the better of us

  • Mark Thomas, campaigner and comedian.

    Bloodlust for bankers

    Mark Thomas: Another Thought for the Day: At the Treasury select committee I began to feel some pity – not for the people who got us into this mess, but for us

  • Broadcaster and writer Muriel Gray 

    Let's cling to every moment of life

    Muriel Gray: Another Thought for the Day: I oppose Margo MacDonald's assisted suicide bill. We need support for carers and more effective pain control, not execution

  • Turn on Another Thought for the Day

    Juliet Wilson
  • AC Grayling at home

    Speaking of free thinking

  • Giles Fraser

    Atheists should get a life and leave our slot alone

    Giles Fraser
  • Give the irreligious a turn at the holy microphone

    Claire Rayner