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Australian elections 2007

In November 2007, John Howard was defeated at the polls by Kevin Rudd. Here, Comment is free bloggers look at the key issues raised as Australians cast their votes
  • Australian high court citizenship ruling: who's in and who's out? – video

    The deputy prime minister, Barnaby Joyce, and four senators have been ruled ineligible to sit in parliament by the high court, with Matt Canavan and Nick Xenophon surviving the challenge
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    • High-tax, high-spend budget aims to bury Tony Abbott’s political legacy and neutralise Labor’s attacks
  • Howard's end

    Leader: Mr Howard's defeat has a significance that runs beyond Australia. The politics of progress beat the politics of retreat
  • Graham Smith

    Australia's new republic

    Graham Smith

    Graham Smith: Whatever the result of the Australian election, there is bound to be one big loser: the British monarchy

  • It's the environment, John

    Derek Wall

    Derek Wall: At the election this weekend Australians have the chance to pass judgment on a government that has neglected the environment

  • Turnout down under

    Julian Glover

    Julian Glover: Next weekend's election in Australia should see 95% participation by voters: is there a lesson for Gordon Brown here?
