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Broken capitalism

A series guest-edited by Richard Reeves, author of Dream Hoarders and senior fellow at the Brookings Institution, which queries why discontent with capitalism is rising and asks if it can it be repaired

  • 2Worldnavyredsnake

    Yes, capitalism is broken. To recover, liberals must eat humble pie

    Richard Reeves
    For liberal democracy to recover, we will have to recast prevailing liberal philosophy, politics and economic policy
  • ‘High profits result in sloth and corruption.’

    Boeing's travails show what's wrong with modern capitalism

    Matt Stoller
    Deregulation means a company once run by engineers is now in the thrall of financiers and its stock remains high even as its planes fall from the sky
  • ‘Antitrust, regulation, tax, democracy reforms – these were rules that made industrial capitalism work, and kept it from destroying democracy.’

    To rescue democracy, we must revive the reforms of the Progressive Era

    Ganesh Sitaraman
    The playbook for taming industrial capitalism already exists. It’s the essential starting point for reform today
  • ‘It is only during the past three centuries that long-term, secular economic growth, from which in principle all can gain, was conceptualized and realized as part of humankind’s lived experience.’

    Yes, contemporary capitalism can be compatible with liberal democracy

    William Arthur Galston
    Changes in capitalism’s structure have moved faster than the policies required to domesticate them, and liberal democratic governments are scrambling to catch up
  • ‘Broken labor market’

    The US labor market is broken ... but an Opportunity Marketplace could save it

    Byron Auguste
    A big, bold idea to create an empowering labor market would give Americans without college degrees a chance to shine
  • Big companies dominate consumption.

    Starbucks v Dunkin': how capitalism gives us the illusion of choice

    Richard Reeves
    From the moment we wake up and brush our teeth, our consumer choices are dominated by a few large companies
  • ‘In developed capitalist economies, our role as consumers does not trump our role as workers or citizens. But it is an important role nonetheless and one we should aim to improve.’

    Consumerism isn't a sellout - if capitalism works for all

    Richard Reeves
    Consumers need protection from dishonest sellers, and the market needs protection from monopolies and cronyism
  • ‘When the system incentivizes making quarterly profits, rather than long-term balance and safety for all, it jeopardizes our very survival.’

    Capitalism isn't 'broken'. It's working all too well - and we're the worse for it

    Maria Svart
  • The economy has added jobs every month since October 2010 for a total of over 20m net new payroll jobs

    Don’t believe the naysayers: Capitalism is healthier than it appears

    Michael R Strain
  • Government cannot promise children equal outcomes, but it can at least promote equal opportunities.

    To thrive, American children need a stronger safety net

    Melissa S Kearney
    If our capitalist system is going to offer any meaningful promise of equal opportunity, we need a new social contract
  • The idea of economic improvement is now culturally intertwined with the idea of capitalism.

    Capitalism used to promise a better future. Can it still do that?

    Richard Reeves
    The greatest challenges to capitalism come when that promise begins to be questioned
  • Capitalism illustration

    How to fix capitalism: nine expert solutions for America's broken system

    Steven Pearlstein, Heidi Shierholz, James P Ziliak, Lane Kenworthy, Oren Cass, Robert Doar, Isabel Sawhill and Abigail Wozniak, Nell Abernathy, Darrick Hamilton and Julie Margetta Morgan
    Discontent with America’s economic system is widespread, so could tax credits, transport subsidies or better childcare help? Or is capitalism not broken at all?
  • ‘There is a gulf between what capitalism can deliver to workers and what it is delivering for workers.’

    The economy isn't getting better for most Americans. But there is a fix

    Heather Boushey
    US economic data leaves us in the dark. If we don’t change the way we measure such progress, we’re unlikely to have much of it
  • Broken cap quick

    About the Broken Capitalism series

  • Richard2

    Capitalism is failing. People want a job with a decent wage – why is that so hard?

    Richard Reeves
  • Ray Dalio. ‘The last time the 1% felt so under pressure was probably back in the 1930s as the US came to terms with the Great Depression.’

    The kings of capitalism are finally worried about the growing gap between rich and poor

  • Our economy works best when no one is left on the sidelines, writes Cory Booker, US senator for New Jersey and a Democratic presidential candidate

    Workers are creating massive wealth. Why are corporations hoarding it all?

    Cory Booker