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Five-minute debates

Short, to-the-point debates on key issues of the day. Watch the videos here
  • couple holding hands by the sea in a romantic setting

    Should the legal age of consent be lowered? – video debate

    Peter Tatchell and Ellie Cumbo discuss whether a lowering of the age of consent would send the wrong signals to older sexual predators

  • IDS defeated over 'back to work'

    Is workfare unfair? – video debate

    Columnist Zoe Williams discusses compulsory work schemes with Phillip Blond, author of Red Tory and director of the thinktank ResPublica

  • banned slang

    Should schools ban slang from the classroom? – video debate

    After a London school banned some slang words, writers Lindsay Johns and Michael Rosen discuss how children learn what language to use in different social settings

  • Armed British drone aircraft operated from Britain for the first time

    Is the use of unmanned military drones ethical or criminal? - video debate

    Columnist Seumas Milne and Peter Lee, a military expert at Portsmouth University, discuss the moral and political questions raised by drones

  • Businessman using a computer mouse

    Should internet porn be 'opt-in' only? - video debate

    Deborah Orr and Emma Carr, deputy director of Big Brother Watch, discuss internet censorship

  • Protestors Take Part In The TUC March For An Alternative To Cuts Through Central London

    Are women more leftwing than men? - video debate

    Melissa Kite and Ellie Mae O'Hagan, commentators from opposite ends of the political spectrum, discuss why more women than men tend to be Labour supporters

  • Boris Johnson Attends The Opening Of West London Free School

    Do free schools favour the middle classes? – video debate

    Are free schools progressive – or a method of entrenching state-funded privilege among pushy parents? Melissa Benn and Toby Young debate the issue

  • superstition

    Is superstition irrational? - five-minute video debate

    As Britain prepares to commemorate the death of Guy Fawkes, Giles Fraser and Tracy King discuss the part ritual and superstition play in modern life

  • Nuclear power plant Gosgen Switzerland

    Is nuclear power the solution to our energy needs? – five-minute video debate

    Columnist Simon Jenkins debates the future of nuclear power with Craig Bennett, director of policy at Friends of the Earth

  • To match feature Britain-Housing

    Is Help to Buy inflating a UK property bubble? - five-minute video debate

    Is the policy a reasonable way of stimulating lending, construction and homeownership – or is it a dangerous move towards property boom and bust? Gavin Smart and Phillip Inman debate the issue

  • General Stock - Newspapers

    Should the state be involved in regulating the press? - five-minute video debate

    Steve Barnett of campaign group Hacked Off, a professor of journalism, debates press regulation with Observer columnist Nick Cohen, author of You Can't Read This Book

  • Migrant workers

    Does migration harm developing countries? - five-minute debate video

    Paul Collier, author of Exodus, and blogger Alex Andreou discuss how large-scale migration affects developing countries

  • University Of Birmingham Hold Degree Congregations

    Is an arts degree worth the tuition fees? - five-minute video debate

    Belinda Parmar, of tech agency Lady Geek, and art critic Adrian Searle debate whether an arts degree is worth the time and money

  • Beautiful Blue Eyed Woman in Niqab veil

    Should there be restrictions on wearing the niqab? - five-minute video debate

    Columnists Nabila Ramdani and Joan Smith discuss whether any restrictions should apply to the wearing of the Islamic full-face veil in public

  • Thousands join the Space for Cycling protest ride in Central London

    Is Britain on the right track to become a nation of cyclists? - five-minute video debate

    Liberal Democrat transport minister Norman Baker discusses the UK's cycling policy with Peter Walker

  • NUT London Teachers strike and march

    Are trade unions fit for the 21st century? - five-minute video debate

    Unison's head of policy, Sampson Low, and Neal Lawson, director of the left-leaning thinktank Compass, discuss whether trade unions are fit for the 21st-century economy

  • Mark Smith and Gwyn Topham

    Are budget airlines bad for us? - five-minute video debate

    Mark Smith of, an advocate for train and ferry travel, debates budget air travel with Guardian transport correspondent Gwyn Topham

  • Nick Grealy and Andrew Pendleton

    Should fracking for shale gas be permitted in the UK? - five-minute video debate

    Energy consultant Nick Grealy joins Andrew Pendleton, head of campaigns at Friends of the Earth, to debate Britain's approach to fracking

  • Gregg McClymont and Pat Kane

    Should Scotland be an independent country? - five-minute video debate

    Labour MP Gregg McClymont takes on independence advocate Pat Kane on the question that will be put to Scots in a referendum

  • Zoe Williams and Alex Ehmann

    Zero-hours contracts: are they bad for workers? - five-minute video debate

    Zoe Williams takes on Alexander Ehmann of the Institute of Directors over the increasingly prevalent use of zero-hours contracts by employers.

About 25 results for Five-minute debates