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Megan Carpentier column

  • Megan Carpentier

    Any other year, Sarah Palin's nod would hurt Trump. But 2016 isn't right

    Megan Carpentier
    Sarah Palin might not be able to see Russia from her house, but Trump Tower looms large
  • clinton benghazi the look

    Hillary Clinton exposed the Benghazi boondoggle, but masked the real scandal

    Trevor Timm and Megan Carpentier
    Lost in tiffs over Sidney Blumenthal and private email accounts is the fact that we shouldn’t have been in Libya at all – and Clinton was a driving force behind it
  • Megan Carpentier

    Joe Biden won't run for president – time to suck it up and support Hillary

    Megan Carpentier
    The only people who are really crying today are those people too centrist to be Berners who hated the thought of ‘having’ to vote for Hillary Clinton
  • Megan Carpentier

    Hillary Clinton has women's issues on her agenda. Does any other candidate?

    Megan Carpentier
    It took 90 minutes for CNN to ask a question about women at the first Democratic debate. That’s scary for a candidate who’s said they’re vital to her win
  • Megan Carpentier

    The blasé acceptance that you might get shot is a fact of American life

    Megan Carpentier
    It’s hard to be shocked at the Virginia shootings. They’re part of a cycle in which innocent people are murdered and politicians get away with doing nothing
  • Megan Carpentier

    Republicans have breathed political life into their very own Trump-enstein

    Megan Carpentier
    With Donald Trump, Republicans must reap what they’ve sown. After all, he just repeating things what many conservatives have been saying for years
  • Megan Carpentier

    Medical records must stay private - even for prospective presidents

    Megan Carpentier
    There’s no reason to pretend that perusing a candidate’s medical records will obviate the need for a vice president to move into the Oval Office
  • Megan Carpentier

    When drugs are used to coerce sex, it's rape. Even if you're Bill Cosby

    Megan Carpentier
    Whether it’s Quaaludes or alcohol – or anything else – they’re not used to obtain consent
  • Megan Carpentier

    Hillary Clinton knows no woman is an island. Now she needs to act on it

    Megan Carpentier
    Her big speech on Roosevelt was fine – the fans who struggled across the East River yukked it up. But to be the first woman president, Clinton must find a way to connect with the everyday voter
  • Megan Carpentier

    All my exes are married off. I know how I'm supposed to feel about that

    Megan Carpentier
    There’s all kinds of stereotypes you can live out as the jilted ex of a man now at the altar with someone else. Or you could just laugh at it all
  • Megan Carpentier

    In Hillary Clinton's America, there's room for equality, diversity and pick-up trucks

    Megan Carpentier
    Unlike in her last campaign, Hillaryland 2016 is a sunny, optimistic place where you can reinvent yourself, and she can, too
  • Megan Carpentier

    The stupidest part of 'Emailgate' is that Hillary Clinton let it happen

    Megan Carpentier
    The Clintons have spent more than 20 years dogged by transparency issues. She should’ve known better than to use her personal email for official business
  • Megan Carpentier

    American exceptionalism isn't our national religion. Criticism of the US isn't a sin

    Megan Carpentier
    Republicans accuse Obama of being unpatriotic for admitting the US is flawed. But it’s easier to love America if you’re a wealthy white man
  • Megan Carpentier

    Elizabeth Warren wouldn't even beat Jeb Bush, and a run against Hillary won't save liberals

    Megan Carpentier
    Megan Carpentier: The Senator is plenty powerful right where she is on the left of the Democratic party. If you think President Warren would be a true progressive, just look at the centrist in the White House
  • Megan Carpentier

    I'm a victim of sexual assault and the law failed. How many of us must speak out for you to believe?

    Megan Carpentier
    Megan Carpentier: Yes, Virginia, there is a system of injustice
  • Megan Carpentier

    Uber should be keeping women safe, but Uber has a woman problem

    Megan Carpentier
    The $18bn startup wants to spend a million spying on women instead of driving us home. It’s time to uninstall
  • Megan Carpentier in Lexington, Kentucky

    Hillary Clinton wants you to be afraid – very afraid – of a Republican dystopia

    Megan Carpentier in Lexington, Kentucky
    Megan Carpentier: Doom and gloom may not be the new hope and change, but they just might work
  • Megan Carpentier

    Hillary Clinton was right: it takes more than one woman to break the glass ceiling

    Megan Carpentier
    Megan Carpentier: The point of female candidates isn’t to win over female voters. It’s to get people elected who don’t see politics exactly the same way as every other politician
  • Megan Carpentier

    Madam Secretary is Hillary. A political wife is the politician. Deal with it

    Megan Carpentier
    Megan Carpentier: Power is supposedly a manly thing, and we ‘need’ a little more lady-ness in our lady politicians. Even if it scares the hell out of the men
  • Megan Carpentier

    Hillary played by her own rules in Iowa as Rand Paul secretly broke a promise. Guess which one got called 'coy'

    Megan Carpentier
    Megan Carpentier: If you’re stumping in Iowa in 2014, you’re running. But the horse-race watchers are busy calling her names – and you bet it’s because she’s a woman
About 26 results for Megan Carpentier column