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On making change

A weekly column by campaigning author and journalist Naomi Wolf. Follow her on Twitter @naomirwolf
  • Naomi Wolf

    Do we still need women-only spaces?

    Naomi Wolf

    Naomi Wolf: Historically, feminism was right to insist on 'a room of one's own'. But we must keep in view an ideal of inclusion and commonality

  • Naomi Wolf

    JSoc: Obama's secret assassins

    Naomi Wolf

    Naomi Wolf: The president has a clandestine network targeting a 'kill list' justified by secret laws. How is that different than a death squad?

  • Naomi Wolf

    Lovelace: a feminism-free 'feminist' critique of the pornography industry

    Naomi Wolf

    Naomi Wolf: The biopic of 70s porn star Linda Boreman edits out a crucial aspect of her life: her empowering role in the women's movement

  • Naomi Wolf

    Will Obama's 'war on weed' really ride roughshod over American voters?

    Naomi Wolf

    Naomi Wolf: The White House seems stuck in its failed 'war on drugs' policy, even as voters in states approve marijuana legalisation

  • Naomi Wolf

    A letter to Kathryn Bigelow on Zero Dark Thirty's apology for torture

    Naomi Wolf

    Naomi Wolf: By peddling the lie that CIA detentions led to Bin Laden's killing, you have become a Leni Riefenstahl-like propagandist of torture

  • Naomi Wolf

    Revealed: how the FBI coordinated the crackdown on Occupy

    Naomi Wolf

    Naomi Wolf: New documents prove what was once dismissed as paranoid fantasy: totally integrated corporate-state repression of dissent

  • Naomi Wolf

    The coming drone attack on America

    Naomi Wolf

    Naomi Wolf: Drones on domestic surveillance duties are already deployed by police and corporations. In time, they will likely be weaponised

  • Naomi Wolf

    NYPD for hire: how uniformed New York cops moonlight for banks

    Naomi Wolf

    Naomi Wolf: No one begrudges an officer doing security work in his own time, but the Paid Detail Unit creates worrying conflicts of interest

  • Naomi Wolf

    Feinstein amendment doubles down on NDAA's assault on constitutional rights

    Naomi Wolf

    Naomi Wolf: While US government lawyers persist in defending the menacing Section 1021 in court, a Senate initiative makes matters worse

  • Naomi Wolf

    Cheaters and the sinister normalisation of our surveillance society

    Naomi Wolf

    Naomi Wolf: With zero outrage, a hit TV show turns snooping on private citizens into entertainment. How little we value our liberties

  • Naomi Wolf

    How Republicans persuaded women to re-elect President Obama

    Naomi Wolf

    Naomi Wolf: For the activists of Emily's List, working to improve women's political representation, Republicans like Todd Akin were a gift

  • Naomi Wolf

    A cure for America's corruptible voting system

    Naomi Wolf

    Naomi Wolf: Too many of us buy into the myth of US democracy. In fact, the 'secret ballot' could use of dose of daylight and transparency

  • Naomi Wolf

    Amanda Todd's suicide and social media's sexualisation of youth culture

    Naomi Wolf

    Naomi Wolf: As the sad story of the bullied Canadian teenager shows, girls are especially vulnerable to imagery sold by the porn industry

  • Naomi Wolf

    Occupy the Pipeline battles fracking threat in New York

    Naomi Wolf

    Naomi Wolf: A pipeline bringing natural gas produced by 'hydraulic fracturing' into New York City creates a new focus for environmental protest

  • Naomi Wolf

    Hyatt Hurts: hotel workers organise global boycott for a fair deal

    Naomi Wolf

    Naomi Wolf: In a striking case of international solidarity, housekeeping staff worldwide are protesting their exploitation by the hotel giant

  • American Flag

    Rethinking the American Dream: people's panel

  • Naomi Wolf

    How the Mitt Romney video killed the American Dream

    Naomi Wolf
  • Naomi Wolf

    The brain science of the vagina heralds a new sexual revolution

    Naomi Wolf

    Naomi Wolf: Finally, women have the neuroscientific knowledge to liberate their bodies from patriarchy's social control and culture of shame

  • Protesters against male circumcision

    Q&A with Naomi Wolf and Matt Williams: the pros and cons of male circumcision

    Naomi Wolf and Matt Williams

    Naomi Wolf and Matt Williams: A US pediatricians' group caused a stir this week with their pro-circumcision advice. Join today's discussion on the issue

  • Naomi Wolf

    To cut or not to cut: the male circumcision question

    Naomi Wolf

    Naomi Wolf: Parents considering male circumcision have a right to expect objective medical advice, untainted by commercial interests

About 58 results for On making change