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A new politics: blueprint for reforming government

The row over MPs' expenses and the role of the Commons Speaker has led to widespread sentiment that an entire political class has been discredited. There is now a growing recognition that no return to 'business as usual' in Westminster is possible: the machinery of representative democracy, legislature and the executive is dysfunctional and ripe for reform.

Public dissatisfaction with politics and politicians has never been greater in modern times: a national debate is needed on what must change. Columnists and commentators from the Guardian and Observer make their suggestions, but in keeping with the new spirit of the age, this is about creating an open forum: join the conversation on political renewal
  • Hang parliament!

    Video: In Sheffield Hallam and High Peak, John Harris makes the case for no clear winner and the chance for electoral reform

  • Electoral reform requires real anger

    Alan Renwick
    Alan Renwick: British voters may be furious with MPs, but it will take a longer-running discontent to finally force our voting system to change
  • Politicians behaving badly at AV debate

    Jackie Ashley

    Jackie Ashley: MPs have backed an electoral reform referendum. But this attempt to bring in a 'new politics' showed old politics at its worst

  • Britain needs real electoral reform

    Helena Kennedy
  • Who will fight for electoral reform?

    James Graham
  • Gordon Brown

    A vote to give politics back

    Gordon Brown

    Gordon Brown: I will do everything I can to secure a referendum to let the people decide on electoral reform

  • Deliberative democracy gets my vote

    Helena Kennedy
    Helena Kennedy: Politics has grown stultified in the hands of the political classes. This weekend, Power2010 sets about returning it to the people
  • John Bercow

    How I'll open up the Commons

    John Bercow
    John Bercow: The super-informed can discover more about parliament than ever before. It's the rest we need to win over
  • This won't rebuild the Commons

    Natascha Engel

    Natascha Engel: I can't support my committee's response to the MPs' expenses scandal, as it fails to address the democratic deficit

  • Jonathan Freedland

    The long wait for Lords reform

    Jonathan Freedland
    Jonathan Freedland: Queen's speech: The draft bill on Lords reform will never be law; it is an indictment on New Labour that half our legislature is still unelected
  • The Queen and Prince Philip at the Queen's speech in 2000.

    Queen's speech: post some bills

    Open thread

    Open thread: If you could add one piece of legislation to the Queen's speech, what would it be and why?

  • Don't let politicians duck reform

    Peter Bennett-Jones
    Peter Bennett-Jones: Open Up believes that voters can create real political change – starting by forcing all MPs to stand for reselection
  • How I'd abolish the House of Lords

    Thomas Bingham
    Thomas Bingham: We need a leaner, expertise-focused second chamber that retains what is good about the House of Lords
  • MPs have forgotten how to represent us

    John Ward

    John Ward: Out-of-touch politicians have made our democracy wilt. There are constitutional and parliamentary changes that can revive it

  • Greenpeace protesters on the roof of Westminster Hall

    Electoral reform could save the climate

    Nicholas Milton
  • The unspoken constitution

    Stuart Wilks-Heeg
  • Breathing new life into Labour

    Sam Tarry
    Sam Tarry: Support for the one member, one vote initiative could signal the party's re-alignment with a new type of politics
  • The end of parochial politics

    Antony Lerman
    Antony Lerman: We've woken up to a post-expenses hangover and a too-familiar conference season. Democracy's horizons must broaden
About 126 results for A new politics: blueprint for reforming government