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Race and America

Comment is free bloggers take a longer look at the issues raised by Barack Obama's presidential candidacy
  • Skip Day - high school friendship and everyday racism in Florida

  • Image from Skip Day documentary

    Skip Day - high school friendship and everyday racism at the beach in Florida - video

  • Brownstone apartments under renovation in Brooklyn. The turn of the century buildings are faced with brown sandstone. Ca.<br>CWC7G4 Brownstone apartments under renovation in Brooklyn. The turn of the century buildings are faced with brown sandstone. Ca.

    Another Brooklyn by Jacqueline Woodson review – dreams and danger on the streets of New York

    An allusive, less-is-more approach works beautifully in this coming-of-age novel
  • Black Panthers in Chicago, Illinois, 1969, by Hiroji Kubota

    Hiroji Kubota’s best photograph: Black Panthers give the power salute in the Chicago snow

    ‘There weren’t many Asian guys in America in the 1960s. If I smiled and looked harmless, I got access to things ... ’
  • matana roberts musician brooklyn

    Matana Roberts: ‘I feel sorry for George Zimmerman’

    While she despises Trayvon Martin’s killer, Matana Roberts thinks Americans must all take responsibility for his actions. The musician talks to Ben Beaumont-Thomas about capturing the black struggle in sound
  • 140x84 trailpic for Barack Obama: racism 'deeply rooted' in US - video

    Barack Obama says racism 'deeply rooted' in America - video

    US president Barack Obama discusses police relations and modern civil rights in an interview with Black Entertainment Television (BET)

  • Comedian and actor Tim Allen performs in Pasadena, California

    Tim Allen demands to use the n-word

    The US actor sparks a fresh debate about racial jokes – and isn’t the only one. Meanwhile, could Ricky Gervais swing a record deal for David Brent? And Spotify launches a comedy app
  • Birtth of a Nation

    The Birth of a Nation: a gripping masterpiece … and a stain on history

    Xan Brooks: DW Griffith's silent epic lionised the Ku Klux Klan and depicted black Americans as ignorant rapists, but cinema still owes a debt to the director's pioneering techniques
  • People toasting wine glasses at outdoor dinner party

    Our 21st-century segregation: we're still divided by race

    Reniqua Allen

    Reniqua Allen: Even now, there are two Americas: one for brown people, one for whites. The difference is that we choose it today

  • Obama inauguration

    'Black people activities' versus 'white people activities'? Give me a break

    Hollee Chanel

    Hollee Chanel: Race topics trending on Twitter last week underscore that the US still has a long way to go to be a post-racial society

  • Greensboro lunch counter sit-in - picture of the day

    A photographic highlight selected by the picture desk. On 1 February 1960 four black American students sat down at a white's only lunch counter in Greensboro, North Carolina, and waited to be served.

  • Having Barack Obama as president doesn't make America colour-blind

    Patricia Williams: An arrested African-American professor and a Hispanic woman judge – two stories that prove prejudice lives on in the USA

  • The weight of history

    Jeremy Lott

    Jeremy Lott: Race and America: White voters' hopes that Barack Obama's candidacy would heal America's racial divisions have been strained
